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2023-03-22 Joint Global

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"Leonora and Atticus" not "Leonora and Alistair" turned abruptly, as Alistair is not present

Replied to saltedpepper

Well, eyeglasses 👓😋


Shouldn't that read "she *realized* she would have preferred"?


"Fear and raged war within her" Is there a word missing perhaps?

"You beast! Why have you brought me here," Daphne seethed, forcing the words out. Fear and raged war within her. Her eyes darted to the fallen shards of the crystal beads, now coated with a thin layer of the man's crimson blood.

Stolen by the Rebel King

Stolen by the Rebel King

Fantasy · saltedpepper



Daphne pulled one of Atticus's ears, causing him to wince. Daphne might have learned how to master magic, but the act of singing in tune still eluded her. But that was fine, Atticus loved her anyway, warbly tunes and all. When they had children, they would appreciate their mother's bad singing or they'd be disowned. 

Stolen by the Rebel King

Stolen by the Rebel King

Fantasy · saltedpepper

Replied to Noktocielo

Well, one would need to have at least a little bit of intelligence in the first place to lose it

"I have lost an arm, Hazelle, not my intelligence," Alistair's voice wasn't loud by any means but it still sent waves of fear into the poor woman who cowered in the corner of the room.

Stolen by the Rebel King

Stolen by the Rebel King

Fantasy · saltedpepper


this description is a thing of beauty

At the heart of the ring, the moonstone held secrets untold, revealing flashes of pearly blues, serene greens, and hints of delicate lavender. With every movement, the stone seemed to shift and change, captivating the imagination and inviting one to explore its otherworldly depths.

Stolen by the Rebel King

Stolen by the Rebel King

Fantasy · saltedpepper

Replied to saltedpepper

deservedly so

Replied to martbe

btw you won't mind if i'll delete this comment chain, will you?

Replied to saltedpepper

As I’ve said it’s just a detail and the only reason I’ve even pointed that out is the vision of the king standing miserably entire time Atticus was drowning his kids in mashed potatoes. Thank you for this picture sooooo much. (if we’re nitpicking tho ch. 33 says that “Atticus was brought into his chambers” which in ch. 42 became “his temporary bedchambers”. Jeez, I *LOVE* these chapters.)

Replied to martbe

Mind you such things bother probably just my obsessive brain and no-one else. I just love the story so much and feel it can be even better. ❤️❤️❤️

Replied to martbe

The “temporal” thing happened to me in ch. 42 as the beginning of the chapter suggests to me that several days have passed since the “aphrodisiac incident” (“’Peaceful’ wasn’t a term Daphne could use to describe the next few days of her life in the castle”, “<You can’t avoid His Majesty forever>”, “<He hasn’t eaten properly the last couple of days without you around>”). However later in the chapter Daphne thinks about “the raunchy things that had happened just last night” and that “Atticus had a death wish for bringing up last night’s events again!”. It can be just me as it’s quite realistic that Daphne had avoided Atticus for some time even before the aforementioned incident and I’m just overthinking.

Replied to saltedpepper


Famous last words

"I'm not distracted by her nor will I be," Atticus said.

Stolen by the Rebel King

Stolen by the Rebel King

Fantasy · saltedpepper


I really love the melancholy in the description of the curtains looking like "they longed to fall to the floor and cease to be"

Then, Atticus stepped inside the room and found himself growing enraged. The room was practically a tiny cellar. He could cover the entire length of the room in three large strides. There was a tiny bed tucked away in the corner, the sheets smelling vaguely of mildew. Yellowing curtains hung sadly next to the window, as though they longed to fall to the floor and cease to be. 

Stolen by the Rebel King

Stolen by the Rebel King

Fantasy · saltedpepper


Namely Atticus in Ch. 20 😀

Daphne could only nod in agreement, hiding her growing smirk behind her handheld fan. She did, however, raise an eyebrow at the familiar line. It didn't seem like the first time she heard someone describe farts as having the smell of roses, but she just couldn't place her finger on when and where she had heard such a thing.

Stolen by the Rebel King

Stolen by the Rebel King

Fantasy · saltedpepper



Poor Jonah, though. It always did seem like he was a little interested in Sirona. Either that or his affections for the healer were complete lies to hide the fact that he was in love with Atticus. Daphne was sure it was one of the two.

Stolen by the Rebel King

Stolen by the Rebel King

Fantasy · saltedpepper

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