the author asked which girls were our favorites, and Meggie was a unanimous choice, and what does the author do? Let it fall into Glenn's hands.
Andréa..Meggie...Rosita...Amy...Young Carol...Alicia(fearTWD)...Jessie Anderson
I would like the MC to have a weapon exclusive to him, like Negan with Lucille, Daryl with the crossbow and Rick with the python. Note: sorry for the grammar, English is not my language.
bring two oscars for Lo jik in case he loses one of them.
Based on a brother's comment, the MC will follow the path of strength, honestly it's a path that I'm a big fan of, but I would also like him to use the path of blood. After all, it has two openings.
To this day I still don't understand, how did Kenjaku lose so easily to Yuta?
a katana is very cliché, every time an MC needs a weapon they choose a katana, I would give Michael a kukri as a blade and a desert eagle for long range.
RE: The Walking Dead [Zombie LitRPG]
TV · JLNarez