Webnovel Author: _r34der_ - Novel Collection



LV 12

Just one of your neighbourhood readers. For my readers, please head to Patreon for my future books/chapters! The link is here. https://www.patreon.com/Novels630

2023-01-05 Joint Global

Badges 7

Moments 322

Replied to Celestial_Worthy


'Humanity…Is a f*cking piece of shit.'

God of Tricksters

God of Tricksters

Fantasy · Fixten




"Ian... don't leave me again, please..." Nathaniel's voice cracked, his tears falling onto Adrian's cheeks as he held him close. 

Not-So an Extra

Not-So an Extra

Fantasy · Admirably_

Replied to InspiredOne1


ch 24 Academy Examination (3)

Child Of The Void

Child Of The Void

Fantasy · _r34der_

Replied to InspiredOne1

Did I? Lemme check

ch 24 Academy Examination (3)

Child Of The Void

Child Of The Void

Fantasy · _r34der_



The eight were silent, staring at the flames. Then, Seraphine knelt on the ground, and the rest followed. As they all knelt for him, they expressed their loyalty once again.

Level Up Legacy

Level Up Legacy

Fantasy · MellowGuy

Replied to _r34der_

No need to read this unless you wanna know about her!

A book on using an... Urumi? Huh. What's that? I carefully looked through the book and then went to the garden, asking Eris for an Urumi.

Child Of The Void

Child Of The Void

Fantasy · _r34der_


"Why do I bother with this, it's not like I'll truly use this weapon..." "Ray." "Yes?" "Why do you speak like this? It's not like they'll ever truly hear." "I know." "Then please, don't. There's no point in regretting the past that has already been committed." "Yes." "..." "..." "Ray, I heard that you knew of my daughter." "Ah, her?" "Yes, her. Why don't you tell me about her instead?" "Well, what can I say? We never really met, did we?" "Yet you still knew she existed, even if in a different timeline." "..." "It's impossible to hide every fact about the one you love, Raymond Valtere... She's still my daughter" "... I don't deserve her, and I never will." "..." "I loved her, truly." "I never took you for a romantic person." "..." "Carry on." "She was a reincarnator." "!" "I personally lived through a few of her lives, and the rest she told me. Of course, that was through the visions The Overseer kindly showed me." "The Overseer..." "One of the ones he showed me, was a confession. Surprisingly, I was the one who confessed." "It's fine, you don't need to tell me this if it's personal." "Oh, no. You'll listen, since you asked." "..." "It was a truly emotional scene, she asked whether I loved her, and I replied yes. I repeated the same phrase over and over again. 'I love you'." "You truly loved her, and, I believe you deserve to love her." "Huh... Well, atleast I'll have some form of comfort within this timeline."

A book on using an... Urumi? Huh. What's that? I carefully looked through the book and then went to the garden, asking Eris for an Urumi.

Child Of The Void

Child Of The Void

Fantasy · _r34der_


Overall, its a great story. I like the context and at the start the MC is really fleshed out. A bullied coward who's weak and, although he doesn't have the lingering attachments that I'd like to see, he's a good character nonetheless. However, as you go further on in the story, Gustav changes and becomes like almost every other MC. I don't really enjoy the change since I'd rather see him be as cynical as he used to be a person with trust issues and things like that. Its also easy to notice that the Author is losing his ideas and stretching the story out too far. The quality is fine, but everything is becoming 2D. The Author revealed the answers instead of slowly showing it bit by bit and Gustav is becoming naive. With Miss Aimee, you can tell the Author wanted to stop the clichee of some old geezer being super powerful and teaching the MC so they made the 'old geezer' a young woman. More evidence is shown when the Author does a vote asking whether Gustav should abandon Angy by "impregnating Miss Aimee". Also, rather than continuing the story slowly, its better to speed it up slightly. Ignoring the last sentence though, Endric. He's a cocky brat who can't handle the idea of Gustav being stronger than him and I liked that! It gave him the potential to either be the best antagonist or to have a really good redemption arc. Then he goes and gets beaten up by a teacher and then he suddenly likes Gustav? And now he acts like a robotic, pious believer of Gustav? Unbelievable. I would've liked seeing him be broken down bit by bit by either different people he knew or people he cared for. Then I'd like seeing him understand everything from Gustav's pov. He became really shallow and I don't like that potential being wasted like this. A similar example to how this could've been better is this, a book I love, Level Up Legacy. Oren and Arthur share a similar relationship but it only serves to show how irreversible their relationship is as Arthur took the mantle of being the 'father'. And it even deepens it by some statements that Arthur said, he said that he didn't like being near worshipped by Oren and therefore, he made Oren leave. I want to see something similar where Endric will disagree with Gustav or where they need to separate for some reason. Sorry for the paragraph!

Replied to Epic_Buddie123

No problem!

ch 13 Reading 'People' And Books

Child Of The Void

Child Of The Void

Fantasy · _r34der_

Replied to _r34der_

This is only for some, there's no actual need to read this mini chapter within the comments! Haha...

A book on using an... Urumi? Huh. What's that? I carefully looked through the book and then went to the garden, asking Eris for an Urumi.

Child Of The Void

Child Of The Void

Fantasy · _r34der_

Replied to _r34der_

Ah, wow... You don't need to read through this?

A book on using an... Urumi? Huh. What's that? I carefully looked through the book and then went to the garden, asking Eris for an Urumi.

Child Of The Void

Child Of The Void

Fantasy · _r34der_


"What is happiness?"

My rank painfully stagnated some time ago and I was forced to quickly swap to reading rather than training. But I recently understood the importance of actually doing this, training was something that kept my health from deteriorating along the way but when I stopped, it also stopped healing me and I was forced to almost die from overwork. So, I need to keep training in the morning or at night and then read in the gaps.

Child Of The Void

Child Of The Void

Fantasy · _r34der_

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