"Something that our guild leader could fix, if he wasn't always busy doing things on his own," David said, blame dripping from his words.
Games · Galanar
"Welcome to Jeju Island, also known as the Hawaii of Korea. Local time is nine thirty-six in the morning; the weather is warm, and the skies are clear. Thank you for flying with Air Schrute, and I hope your stay will be long enough for me to enjoy some peace and quiet."
Games · Galanar
Presumably, the one he looted before.
Well, except for a lone man that stood right beside him, looking at the Dragon-like Creature that had crashed into the skyscraper and was stuck there, its corpse twisted and lifeless.
Fantasy · Gurdon
''W-Why *Sob* Are you so mean?'' Isaac turned his teary eyes toward ShadowCloak.
Games · Alekzi
"Hello to you too, jerk. And don't just waltz in here like you live here, rummaging through my fridge. What are you, a raccoon? Ask for permission," Alex sighed.
Games · Galanar
At least his name wasn't mentioned. 😅
*World Announcement: A player has died by means of his own. A death penalty was created for this situation and will now come into play for any player doing the same. Suicide Penalty: Upon death by means of his own, the player will get forcefully logged out and his account locked for a week. Thank you for your comprehension.*
Games · Galanar
"Jack, if you think you're better than Rex by saying you're an Awakened. Isn't that just unfair? If you want to be better than Rex, then you need to become a third rank Awakened that can kill fourth rank Supernatural. How about it? Are you confident?"
Fantasy · Mrboogey13
As he thought this, images of the diplomat burning to cinders came to mind.
Games · Galanar
poor guards are like 😱
Meanwhile, the guards on the ground were panicking at the sight of two people falling from the bough of the tree, and running around on the ground, trying to think of a way to break their fall.
Games · Galanar
"And lastly, Alex will be paired with Liu Yan. I don't know your fighting abilities at all, Liu Yan, so I'm putting you with our strongest fighter. You'll stick around the other ranged attackers as much as possible, but if we have to split up, hug Alex like your life depends on it, because it will."
New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live
Games · Galanar