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2022-11-19 Joint United States
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3 months ago

This was good. A shame I cannot read further.

7 months ago

I don’t really like how the pov constantly changes, but it seems.. okay so far.

9 months ago
Replied to Cloudmaker

As far as we know, there aren’t gods in this uni, and I, personally, haven’t seen any reference to them. Well, of course, aside from techniques, such as izanami/nagi, susanoo, etc. so, it’s technically possible. He’s also an orphan, and orphan Mc names get very… unrealistic, even in isekai/reincarnation novels.

A few hours later, Suzuki Fujin woke up, but still under intense headache, thinking 'Damn what the heck's up with this headache! While I did stay up late last night working on that project, I haven't ever suffered such a headache. And it feels like memory is all jumbled up'. Slowly he opened his eyes and looked around. Frowning upon noticing the unfamiliar surrounding, 'what is this? Where am I? This ain't my room'. He tried getting up, but suddenly noticed, "Why am I so much smaller? Did I somehow return to the past?" However, his thoughts were broken by 2 kids walking into the room. They suddenly ran towards him and one asked "Fujin, are you alright?" Whereas the other one asked "Why did you yell?" Fujin saw them two, thinking 'Who are these two? Wait I think I know them. But how? Damn this headache is unbearable. And I need to get my thoughts sorted out somehow.' With that, Fujin pretended to fall unconscious again, trying to make some sense out of the situation. The 2 kids however got worried and ran back to the caretaker. 

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex

9 months ago

Canonically.. Yujiro banged a man.. and made him see his feminine self.. so it’s possible.

9 months ago
Replied to Scorp_Claw

Ooh that looks painful! I’ve had a cramp do that to me once and it put me on the ground. (I can’t handle pain though.)

His martial instincts kicked in, and he channeled this newfound energy, sending ripples of chakra through his limbs.

Naruto: Hanma Yujiro's Legacy

Naruto: Hanma Yujiro's Legacy

Anime & Comics · Amomon

10 months ago
Replied to Kp_waves

Yeah, no problem, and like I said, I’ve skewed the timeline. He replaced Dahlia as the fairy king. (I’m not sure what effects dahlia’s reign had on the world so if there are any inconsistencies, please call me out on it)

10 months ago
Replied to Kp_waves

Sorry for the late response here, but: Yes, he’s still King of the Fairies No, he isn’t the second. This doesn’t follow the original timeline, so gloxinia never joined the Demon Clan. Yes, he still has his spirit spear. In this timeline, yes, Estarossa was actually the King’s son. He isn’t half of either. He’s a full fairy, and he’s a full demon. They aren’t mutually exclusive. Yes, he has all of his powers.

10 months ago
Replied to natsu_Alexander

Less ripped, but yes. He’s essentially gloxinia with gray hair and a smaller forehead.

10 months ago
Replied to Imperators_Slave

Yes. (Feel like that’s obvious with the whole ‘third demon prince’ part, but I understand)

He began moving, and I was left with no chance but to follow. A few minutes later, we were in his tower, with a small wooden sword in my hand. Gloxinia was floating besides me, but I had no use of it at the moment, so I let it rest.

Reincarnated In Seven Deadly Sins!

Reincarnated In Seven Deadly Sins!

Anime & Comics · Annie_Dyno

10 months ago
Replied to Imperators_Slave

I’m rewatching the anime and I’ve passed that part. It was never mentioned. Possibly because I’m pirating it..

When Meliodas nodded, he hurried inside, closing the door behind him. He began speaking immediately, and I could see a bead of sweat resting on his temple. "Now, young master, since I was asked to train you, I thought that I would instruct you in how to use an incredibly strong technique, Full Counter. Me and Lord Meliodas both are able to use the Magical variant, though I have never met someone able to use the Physical variant. Please, young master, if you would follow me, I wish to instruct you in the confines of my own tower."

Reincarnated In Seven Deadly Sins!

Reincarnated In Seven Deadly Sins!

Anime & Comics · Annie_Dyno

  • Reincarnated In Seven Deadly Sins! original

    Reincarnated In Seven Deadly Sins!


    A man dies, and he ends up being reincarnated into the world of Seven Deadly Sins, however, he was blessed by the R-CO, and granted a system that allowed him all sorts of things! Read all about it to find out!

    2 Chs 129 Collections

  • Epic of Mantis original

    Epic of Mantis


    When Shawe, a boring sophomore, dies in the bathroom of his school, he wakes up to a loud ringing in his ears, and the feel of a large, firm but soft material under his… legs? Oh.. OH.. WHY ARE THEY GREEN? WHY ARE THERE SO MANY?! That’s right, he got reincarnated as a Praying Mantis with a system! His adventures will be painful and strenuous, will he survive in this harsh new world? I don’t plan on going premium, but if i get past 200 chapters then i probably will. I’ll try to update at least once a week, maybe twice or three times during breaks in school. Please add to your library! This takes a lot of effort and i really appreciate you reading my work!

    3 Chs 7 Collections