

male LV 4
2022-09-08 Joint United States
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Moments 347
13 hours ago

I really enjoyed this episode/chapter. I can't wait to read the next episode/chapter.

14 hours ago
Replied to Fowl_Immortal

I'll be waiting patiently for the next chapter.

3 days ago

this is what Pinkie Pie looked like there.


"That's okay," she replied and leaned into his face with a smile, "Someday Mario, you'll be mine." She then bounced away. Mario was left with a long face that had clearly learned a new definition of fear. Then his and Twilight's stomachs growled. Twilight laughed nervously and Mario snapped out of his state of shock.

Friendship is Magic: The Seventh Element

Friendship is Magic: The Seventh Element

Fantasy · Mathew_Thompson

5 days ago

Wow so Pinkie Pie knows Sonic The Hedgehog lol.

"Or maybe they are hedgehogs that stand up on two hoofs, wear red sneakers, and run about at the speed of sound smashing metal objects that move like us," Pinkie said in one breath. Everyone gave her a dumbfounded look.

Friendship is Magic: The Seventh Element

Friendship is Magic: The Seventh Element

Fantasy · Mathew_Thompson

7 days ago
Replied to Fanfic_Fanatic

Seems like Sonic The Hedgehog to me, or in this case Sonic The Hedgepony.

I wanted to say that it was the start of a beautiful friendship, but I wouldn't exactly describe it that way. We spent more time working together on our classes, studying, research projects (and she loved doing independent ones for extra credit and personal knowledge) and taking care of her new baby dragon named Spike. Once Spike was old enough to talk, he was also helpful, earning his position as Twilight's number one assistant. A title that I would rather have, but just let it go. As I said before, I got to spend my time with Twilight and that made me happy. But as the years went by, that happiness seemed to become bittersweet. While together Twilight and I excelled in our studies of magic, Twilight was pretty much a bookworm. So was I, but the problem came in the fact that all she ever wanted to do was study. At first that seemed fine, but as time went by we did befriend our classmates that we saw the most in class: Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lemon Heart, Lyra, and Moon Dancer. Twilight and Moon Dancer seemed to enjoy studying together. While the rest of the group made their efforts to help me gain some self confidence. For the most part it worked and I learned that talking to other girls wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. They also encouraged me to take my physical training to the next level. As a result, I became more agile and flexible than most ponies. I was the only pony who could jump a full five yards high without hurting himself. My studies in hedgehog behavior taught me how to curl up into a ball and spin around as I jumped and moved about. That technique actually saved my life when a guard accidentally knocked me off one of the castle bridges and I was able to save myself by curling up and bouncing around until I was able to land back on my hooves. Yet my biggest accomplishment was my speed.

Friendship is Magic: The Seventh Element

Friendship is Magic: The Seventh Element

Fantasy · Mathew_Thompson

7 days ago
Replied to Fowl_Immortal

okay thank you. when I looked in the auxiliary chapter, it just showed the spoiler mark, meaning a black circle in the center with a line through it.

Somehow by muscle memory or magic of her cutie mark, personally by the bs of plot. Stardust was able to make another batch of the remedy.

My Little Pony- Stardust

My Little Pony- Stardust

TV · Fowl_Immortal

7 days ago

I love this book and I really hope more chapters are released. I'm a major My Little Pony fan.

7 days ago

I love this book and I hope a lot more chapters get released knowing that there's 221 episodes of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I'm a major My Little Pony fan.

7 days ago

I can't wait to read the next chapter.