

LV 14
2022-08-25 Joint United States
Badges 7

Moments 459
3 months ago

Congrats to the author on the comic adaptation! Much deserved … I’d like to see our boi make a quick detour to Zivot Empire to enter their unique Dungeons (which have many Legendary Rank monsters and even Mythical Rank monsters such as the Elder Hydra on chapter 761, and with these monsters even having a new version of themselves manifest once per week if the previous one was killed, if I remember correctly) … He could fuse a bunch of his created humanoid army soldiers into Saints (or acquire Saint bodies, such as from unsuspecting idiots), then fuse those Saints with these Mythical Rank monsters (also passing them suited Abilities and Skills) to boost the numbers of his top-tier subordinates.. No real reason not to, and he could even get Argos Belmont to threaten Zivot Empire to allow him into these Dungeons, and they obviously wouldn’t dare to say no … Also, when he eventually beats the 12 Rakshasas, it would be pretty fkin cool if he could merge them into 6 or even 4 insanely-powerful subordinates.. Could you imagine? Even if he only uses one of their Cores per 3 Rakshasa bodies, the results would still be crazy … The possibilities are endless … Anyway, enough rambling from me … Thanks for the chap!

4 months ago

These last two chaps remind me of the atmosphere at the beginning of the novel - which was fun to see - with Armin’s curiosity and naivety being reminiscent of Vale’s earlier on … Why “Marshall” Academy? I mean Martial would somewhat make sense, but Marshall? Was he an Eminem superfan in his past life? xD … With this Academy, he could also build up an army of Malefic Arcanists.. Maybe Denise, Heinz (if he stuck around, which let’s be honest, he probably did), and/or others altered the Awakening Potion recipe - that they maybe deduced - to allow newly-awakened Dark Arcanists to more-easily embark on the Malefic Branch Path? … Will be interesting to see the peoples’ reactions in the Academy if they see him flying around on his mutant Dimensional Creature mount lol … Oooh, this insanely-talented researcher called Lyrus seems to be a new subordinate target.. our boi never sleeps, that’s Somnus’ job lol … I wonder if Lesley is gonna be subordinated soon? Maybe Vale’s soul has become more powerful over the last few years to it can handle more Enslaved, or maybe Lesley joins the crew of Half-Androids … Also, wonder what happened in the last three years with his forces infiltrating the Holy Arts Faction for the needed research on the Druids/Artificial Humans? … Excited to see the developments that happened over the time-skip … Thanks for the chaps!

5 months ago

So the grand project now involves Denise, Heinz, and Odessa.. The results should be insane considering how talented the three of them are and the "materials" they have to work with.. and looks like the "finished products" will be unveiled soon ... It's good to see the wily Headmaster again, but in a way, it isn't, because you know that scheming ol' bastard is always up to something that conflicts with our boi's goals lol ... Let's see if that changes in the future ... So Jean now has a relatively-large collection of living-but-sleeping True Immortals, instead of "just" True Immortal bodies? And Jean and Maya want to awaken them all? That could very easily bite them in the and if they manage to succeed and the True Immortals deign to lower themselves to work with "mortals" (or whatever the higher-than-thou attitude many Celestials have), then does that mean you'll also turn against our boi when instructed by your god, Maya? Make sure you choose the right side, because otherwise, you could end up on the receiving end of an Extraction.. the Lord of Secrets gives shifty vibes, after all, so who knows what its goals are ... Regardless, good to have Jean back in the story.. At least it will be eventful xD.. And it's funny that Maya says the combined knowledge of the Chaos Alchemist and the renowned Jean will be the recipe for success, like Jean's knowledge is in any way comparable to the Chaos Alchemist's lol.. probably (definitely) shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence xD ... Let's see what these Android super-Time Manipulators will be like ... Thanks for the chap!

5 months ago

Derek feels like a stranger because he is a stranger, Cecilia.. this is who he was the entire time, and you saw signs, but are great at compartmentalizing and pushing things away, although, that's not an option anymore ... Phew, he bought it.. disaster averted! The "Cuck Derek" subsection of "Operation: Make Derek's Life So Unfathomably Miserable That He Wants To Die But Can't" is still in full swing, thank the Devils *wipes forehead in relief* xD ... Maybe Derek had to take a leaf out of his wife's book and delude himself a little to allow himself to believe what he wanted to believe lol.. learning from the best, in that case! ... No need for Cecilia to blame herself that she caught herself wishing she could talk to our boi, because if there's no one to rely on and confide in, she can't help but subconsciously look for another ... Hmm, the anticipated next meeting already? Why not.. a welcome surprise ... Thanks for the chap!

5 months ago

What did Vale use to catch Sreas' flame like he was catching a petal leisurely flying through the air, Chad? Why the Divine Extr-*ahem* I mean his pure undistilled drip, of course! xD ... Great to see that Odessa is now a permanent fixture of out boi's main subordinates, with her own official Title.. way too good of a talent not to snap up, sorry-not-sorry Milton Kingdom! lol ... Hmmm, could Odessa create more of these "Pseudo-Celestial Robes"? Could make a few more for Denise's Androids too! ... I see the transformations of the captured Time Manipulators are trucking along nicely ... Woo! the Artificial Human Project is now back in the picture at long last! and to get the details on it, they need to forcibly take them from the Holy Arts Faction? Say no more, that actually makes things even better, as it's always a joy for them to fk up some self-righteous pigeon-lovers xD.. Blood or creatures from another world, eh? I wonder what makes those specific creatures and/or that blood useful for the purposes of that project ... Denise also happens to have Asura blood and bodies.. who knows if they could be useful for this ... Also, intrigued what old man Heinz has cooking that he hurryingly wants Odessa's help for.. Many possibilities ... Thanks for the chap!

5 months ago

Good to see Remy again.. Could he become a research phenom making breakthroughs like his old man, but for our boi? Could also help to even things out technologically, and have the family's tech bite Derek in the for once.. Also, I wonder what that girl who betrayed Remy's trust is up to now? ... To be fair to Derek, he hasn't gotten this far by shooting in the dark Gregory, you troglo..dyte, but now, some of those bullets have struck those they shouldn't, and who now clearly have him in their sights, and Grace is indeed one of them ... Oh sxit! Was expecting Derek to be somewhat blindsided by a betrayal from Cecilia to make it hurt worse for that absolute piece of sxit, so I hope Cecilia can somehow genuinely clear away any suspicion in his mind, for the sake of it hurting the bottomfeeding scu..mbag even more later on, of course.. Get cu..cked, Derek! ... Thanks for the chap!

5 months ago

Oh, Vale thinking big, and Denise potentially making Asura clones? That'd be madness! Well, when the Asuras are in a berserker rage on the battlefield, anyway xD ... Seriously though, it says that potentially only the Chaos Alchemist could pull this off, but I believe our girl Denise can do something special with that blood, as she's tirelessly worked for every ounce of knowledge she's got, and didn't just have her Alchemy abilities handed to her like Maya did when she became the next Chaos Alchemist.. I believe Denise could eventually come out on top! Having them both work on something with one another, on the other hand.... now we're talking! ... Lol, Vale coming in with the cheeky smile there at the end which screamed "That was a tasty little snack, got another one?" xD ... Sreas is under no illusions about Vale's main body's true power now ... Excited to see what happens with that Asura blood ... Thanks for the chap!

5 months ago

Corrupting Cecilia? Oh man, with her personality, her current state of mind, the fact she's only ever been with Derek, and our boi's manipulation skills and unparalleled negative feelings towards Derek, the result of this could be the biggest corruption in the entire novel.. He could do a he..ll of a job on Cecilia, and I'm here for it lol.. It could be a work of art.. a true masterpiece.. Asher's Magnum Opus xD ... Rachel's commitment is great, but then again, considering how much her dad betrayed her trust by being the complete opposite of the man she idolized her entire life, his Mengele-like torture experiments, his past of a high amount of murder of even good-aligned allies who trusted him like family, plans for mass-genocide, and the fact Rachel's betrayed and "killed" her own best friend (Amelia) making her obviously want to be better herself, as well as being scared of the very real possibility of Derek ending up turning on her too.. Well, it's no fkin surprise she's turned against Super-Hitler on steroids.. If she was still on his side after knowing everything he knows, as well as the fact she may even be turned against at the first real sign of suspicion, she'd be monstrously evil herself, as well as dumber than a doornail ... Just thought about Hunters moving to Mars and realized that Derek's later potential attempt at complete control over them could be made even more sure, since their survival in Mars' atmosphere depends entirely on his commands, especially if he cuts them off from Earth or Earth stops existing altogether.. What a snake (sorry Lori, didn't mean it in that way.. Promise!! xD) ... The ominous blackmail-like way Derek ended his speech at the end of the chap should also raise more than a few eyebrows, and at least keep many people on their toes and ready for things to be more than they seem ... Thanks for the chap!

5 months ago

Yep, they've got Cecilia exactly where they want her lol.... Plus, Cecilia mainly wants to keep things quiet to protect our boi from harm, eh? Her vulnerable mental state, plus keeping his safety in mind, will have her feeling some type of way and definitely endear her more to him over time as well ... Okay, so Cecilia's definitely not one that can analyze the consequences of her actions beforehand, huh.. First with Asher's friends and much of their families, now potentially with "Ash" and his life.. She should have learned the first time she told Derek about specific information, that things may escalate in ways she initially didn't want them to go.... or did she actually want them to go there? Who knows these days with Cecilia.. she always provides surprises, and not always welcome ones lol, but its likely she just pushes things from her mind when she feels uncomfortable about potential future consquences of her initially-"well meaning" actions, and this could be a good thing for our boi, as all he needs to convince her to do something that could negatively affect others (in ways she originally wouldn't have wanted to) is a good enough reason from a close enough person, and she absolutely could do it, pushing aside future negative consequences for whatever reason ... Woo!! our girl Rachel coming through no matter what! Very impressed.. She's now what Derek pretends to be.. He should be ashamed, but we all know the Demon incarnate is not ... And now for the moment of truth, did our boi really get it in? I'm sure Cecilia would have felt it if he did, but who knows what "extra features" our boi's Immortal Rod has.. maybe a massager that releases anti-inflammatories after the deed is done to ease any discomfort afterwords? haha, probably not xD, and Cecilia (at a later date where him and her could have become much more than friendly) might appreciate eventually learning that he didn't fk her drunken at that time, who knows ... Thanks for the chap!

5 months ago

Chad has come a long way, and I wonder if he can boost his Dragon heritage to become a full Dragon, while still being able to use a humanoid form, to have the best of both worlds? It’s worth a shot…. and Sreas seems like the real deal … Vale’s forces are shaping up nicely, and they’ll no doubt be put to use sooner rather than later, knowing the 24/7 battleground this Realm is lol.. It’s a miracle anyone’s got time to sleep xD … Vale should “spar” Sreas (AKA overwhelm Sreas with power) just to let him know what time it is, and to truly ingrain the hierarchy in Sreas’ mind … Thanks for the chap!
