

LV 4
2022-07-22 Joint United States
Badges 4

Moments 1498
3 days ago

Supergirl is about to switch sun based religions

"Earth-38 of the Arrowverse. Welcome to...National City"

Unique Gamers Travels

Unique Gamers Travels

TV · ArtoriaPendragon_

3 days ago
Replied to King_linley123

Krypton also had it's own sun god to worship

"Earth-38 of the Arrowverse. Welcome to...National City"

Unique Gamers Travels

Unique Gamers Travels

TV · ArtoriaPendragon_

4 days ago


But before either of them could act on the moment, an alarm blared from within the mansion. Jake and Laura were on their feet in an instant, racing back inside.

Reincarnated as Todoroki in Marvel

Reincarnated as Todoroki in Marvel

Anime & Comics · God_Usopp_21

5 days ago
Replied to PizzaStopsTime

Laura is not one of the x-men characters who primarily are associated with their real name. More people think X-23 before they think Laura. she isn't like Jean Grey, who is almost never associated with a 'alter ego name' unless it's time for the Phoenix to appear, or Emma Frost.

Jake's mind immediately went to Laura. "Do we think X- I mean, do we think Laura might have come from this facility?"

Reincarnated as Todoroki in Marvel

Reincarnated as Todoroki in Marvel

Anime & Comics · God_Usopp_21

5 days ago
Replied to PizzaStopsTime

Because once you know a name it's hard to not use it if that's what you primarily associate them with. Just look at the heroes that have multiple hero names, you have a preference that you instinctively use.

Jake's mind immediately went to Laura. "Do we think X- I mean, do we think Laura might have come from this facility?"

Reincarnated as Todoroki in Marvel

Reincarnated as Todoroki in Marvel

Anime & Comics · God_Usopp_21

6 days ago
Replied to InmateOfYharnam

I feel like the instincts are too different, though. Lightsabers ignore an entire mechanic of the sword/blade

'Sword Saint is easily the most interesting of the three. As while it doesn't have tons of information on it, I do need genuine swordsmanship, better than what I have at the moment. As my skills with the sword is...lacking at the moment. And the system never gives me a weak main class, so it must be strong' Talia thought, before breathing in and selecting Sword Saint.

Unique Gamers Travels

Unique Gamers Travels

TV · ArtoriaPendragon_

6 days ago

found Clary*

When Hope and Isabelle returned later in the day, they found Isabelle snuggled against Talia's chest, as the two slept in eachothers embrace.

Unique Gamers Travels

Unique Gamers Travels

TV · ArtoriaPendragon_

6 days ago
Replied to InmateOfYharnam

a lightsaber doesn't count. It's an energy beam used for melee combat, but it's not really a sword.

'Sword Saint is easily the most interesting of the three. As while it doesn't have tons of information on it, I do need genuine swordsmanship, better than what I have at the moment. As my skills with the sword is...lacking at the moment. And the system never gives me a weak main class, so it must be strong' Talia thought, before breathing in and selecting Sword Saint.

Unique Gamers Travels

Unique Gamers Travels

TV · ArtoriaPendragon_

12 days ago
Replied to DaoistOfeOTA

irrelevant, a proper harem isn't a competition. if it becomes a competition, you are failing as an MC

She turned and started to walk away, but stopped and looked over her shoulder. "And Leonard... watch what you're doing. I don't want anyone to get heartbroken."

DxD: My Main Skill is Winning Hearts

DxD: My Main Skill is Winning Hearts

Anime & Comics · Palmer_1998

13 days ago
Replied to Hellfire45

enough fear to justify making a box with every known containment method in existence, if I remember right.

She could feel a new influx of power begin to pour into her being. Power...on par, if not higher than that of the Green Lantern ring. Power gained from the fear of the souls of entire Universes thanks to the characters she had. All the fear others had towards them...was now fear towards her, fear she could use to empower herself...fear that made her...strong.

SpiderGwen: I have a system?!

SpiderGwen: I have a system?!

Anime & Comics · ArtoriaPendragon_