

male LV 4
2022-07-15 Joint Norway
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2 hours ago
Replied to Bobnog13

Yes, but kinda no, case and point Ea. When he summons Ea in Fate/Strange Fake, he pulls out Bab-ilu, and goes on some spiel that it is tangible proof of a contract that he willingly signed with the world, and then pulling out Ea. So it would imply that to use Ea, or to summon it at his will, he had to sign a contract with Gaia, or Ea itself, to use it. So my whole contract thing is derived from that, as it seemed like a neat idea, and makes a bit of sense, as I feel as a divine construct should be able to pick its wielder, as divine constructs are a large step above most, if not all weapons and Noble Phantasms.

"Each divine construct has some level of sentience, and when they pick a wielder, they establish a connection, usually through a contract or something similar. Through that link, they usually supply the wielder with information about themselves."

Fate/False Order

Fate/False Order

Anime & Comics · Leylin_Blackwood

6 hours ago
Replied to Kurajku



"I am Servant Ruler, Morgan le Fay."

Fate/False Order

Fate/False Order

Anime & Comics · Leylin_Blackwood

8 hours ago
Replied to General_ZOD

Trying to attain a true magic, is not something most 19 year old's are capable of, though Alistair would thank you for the confidence.

Any thoughts on the magecraft Alistair should specialize in? I'm considering him delving into curses and the like due to his 'mission', but I'm all for being convinced.

Fate/False Order

Fate/False Order

Anime & Comics · Leylin_Blackwood

15 hours ago
Replied to ACON

You are right on the money, but he'll need to find a way to grow it properly, which would increase his strength, and he'd be able to tap into, and understand higher end mysteries not meant for humans.

Here's a question from me, what do you all want to see? Give me some suggestions! I'll screen them, don't worry!

Fate/False Order

Fate/False Order

Anime & Comics · Leylin_Blackwood

16 hours ago
Replied to wheel_of_fortune

Shhh, two more chapters my friend…

Here's a question from me, what do you all want to see? Give me some suggestions! I'll screen them, don't worry!

Fate/False Order

Fate/False Order

Anime & Comics · Leylin_Blackwood

16 hours ago
Replied to MrIIIo

Shh, will fix now, was like 3 in the morning while wring this part…

16 hours ago
Replied to JONTY_

I’ll smack you with some knowledge then, to answer your question. About the eyes, you may have missed it, but during the apostle hunts with the Barthomeloi’s, he used it constantly on Lorelei’s spells, like the pseudoreality marble that he saw, or how her mystic code worked. But the last time it was mentioned, was when he was in the cave with Morgan, and he tried to understand the Fae Runes and how her reflection of Avalon worked. He failed to get anything substantial, as the runes are incomprehensible to non-phantasmal species. And the reason he isn’t just copying all of Morgan’s spells, or ‘Medea’s’ ones, is due to the fact, that while he has used his eyes on them, they are currently impossible to cast. Heroic spirits from the age of Gods, are aided by Alaya to cast the magic from their time, unimpaired, despite the lacking mysteries of the world. Which is also why they’re a bit more expensive to upkeep as you have to “pay“ extra for their spell usage. But don’t worry, there will eventually be a bit more action with the eyes, but that will be spoken about in a later date.

Here's a question from me, what do you all want to see? Give me some suggestions! I'll screen them, don't worry!

Fate/False Order

Fate/False Order

Anime & Comics · Leylin_Blackwood

22 hours ago
Replied to TheSleepySloth

Idk, I just searched for Arthur Prototype casual clothing, and these gems popped up

Smiling, I snapped the book shut, and pushed myself off of the bridge's arch, before making my way towards the duo.

Fate/False Order

Fate/False Order

Anime & Comics · Leylin_Blackwood

22 hours ago
Replied to TheSleepySloth

His understanding of cooking was to mash everything, like mashed potatoes… and he couldn’t even make proper mash potatoes… so yeah…

"I have no preference, as long as it is better than Gawain's cooking, then I'll be more than satisfied," she said in a neutral tone.

Fate/False Order

Fate/False Order

Anime & Comics · Leylin_Blackwood

23 hours ago
Replied to samsara

Fuck, I’ll fix that soon, at least later than 5 in the morning…

Nope, best not to comment, the fucking cube she was corressing earlier was a pseudo reality marble, so I should probably shut the fuck up, and just nod my head in acceptance.

Fate/False Order

Fate/False Order

Anime & Comics · Leylin_Blackwood

  • Fate/False Order original

    Fate/False Order


    4.94 Récemment mis à jour

    Accidentally killing yourself is a bummer, dying due to not reading the terms of service is embarrassing, and selling your afterlife is depressing. Now, let's follow Alistair, who, in his great wisdom performed the former while drunk, on his great quest of cleaning the Holy Grail of its corruption. And if that wasn’t hard enough, he needs to clean it during the 4th Holy Grail war, you know, the one with the worlds most feared assassin as a master, a psychopathic murder master and servant duo, a priest who goes on to hide kids in his basement, two of the knights of the round and fucking Gilgamesh in the mix. Safe to say, he’ll be acquiring premium life insurance, before stepping foot into Fuyuki. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Update schedule is three chapters a week, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 00:00 (GMT +2).

    28 Chs 2.2k Collections