Webnovel Author: Blooded_Yautja - Fanfic Collection



male LV 1
2022-07-11 Joint United Kingdom

Badges 2

Moments 37

Replied to Doge_Blade


...No. No, I fucking refuse to believe fanfic authors on Webnovel got it right where thousands of years of philosophers got it wrong. I refuse with every fibre of my being. This isn't reincarnation. Just experiencing some weird shit in the afterlife. Yeah. Yeah, that's what I thought until I passed through the opening and into a squishy passage that seemed ill-fit for me to pass through. It contracted and pushed me along and each contraction sold home what was actually happening, even if I wanted to refuse it.

A Unique Yautja (DC Fanfic)

A Unique Yautja (DC Fanfic)

TV · Blooded_Yautja

Replied to Kevin_Pollard


I was dead. Pretty easy deduction to make, honestly, when the last thing I remember is a eight-wheeler slamming into the side of my car - ran a red light, whoever was driving had. Probably a drunk driver. But my small hatchback? There's no way it wasn't squashed like a can of beans.

A Unique Yautja (DC Fanfic)

A Unique Yautja (DC Fanfic)

TV · Blooded_Yautja

Replied to luis5224

I mentioned it briefly in the same author note, I think, but I didn't go into much detail. They're basically retired Elites who've chosen to teach the next generation.

Adiken'de knew that at the same age, he'd only a fraction of the fire and determination the youngling had...and he'd grown to become an Elite and then finally a Leader. He wondered how far the youngling of Clan Des'teka would go. His exploits would bring honour to both him and, as his trainer, Adiken'de too.

A Unique Yautja (DC Fanfic)

A Unique Yautja (DC Fanfic)

TV · Blooded_Yautja

Replied to Vastoking

No it isn't? A Yautja's lifespan has never been canonically given. All we know is that the oldest Yautja alive is thousands of years old.

I'm 60-years-old this year but the instructor is definitely several centuries old and I know for sure he's continued training, even as a Leader.

A Unique Yautja (DC Fanfic)

A Unique Yautja (DC Fanfic)

TV · Blooded_Yautja

Replied to cheeki_breeki

Nah, they're still classed as younglings right now. They need to enter this last test to be considered Unblooded. Becoming Blooded is when you hunt and kill a Xenomorph.

Pushing the thoughts out of his mind, Adiken'de looked to the crowd and spoke again, overriding the roars with one of his own before he spoke, "Listen up!" he bellowed, "You've got a day to rest and recover. Before dawn, we move to the Ancestral Forest. Prepare yourselves, for if you pass you will be Unblooded! Capable of off-world Hunts! And if you don't pass? You will die Unblooded and without the chance of gaining any real Honour!"

A Unique Yautja (DC Fanfic)

A Unique Yautja (DC Fanfic)

TV · Blooded_Yautja

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