Alexandre_Medeiros - Profile


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2022-07-07 Joint Global

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Who is the seventh servant who was a preator?

Meanwhile, Lyle's servants continued their activities in the background. Ruby and the others discreetly gathered information, monitored key figures, and ensured that the rebels remained a formidable force by sending that information back to them.

Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Fantasy · TheReign


Did Lyle get the holy light element/ability as well?

Nicholas focused on defense, skillfully deflecting the Emperor's strikes, while Lyle relied on his agility to evade the deadly attacks. The golden light surrounding him pulsated with each movement, offering both protection and enhanced abilities.

Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Fantasy · TheReign


Don't you mean key figures in the Golden Lion Empire!?

Lyle leaned back, steepling his fingers. "They want the elimination of key figures within the Iradel Empire. The nobles that stand against them, especially those from the Song and Rain families."

Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Fantasy · TheReign


Shadow!? Wasn't Lyle unable to use darkness and any skills linked to it in his Blood Lord Awakening form?

Even his armor, which was custom-made for him, was penetrated by the sword that was stabbed forward with full force. The wound wasn't very deep, but it was still enough to make the general flinch for an instant as he glanced behind Lyle, finally seeing the shadow that had suddenly appeared behind him and attacked him.

Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Fantasy · TheReign


5 Five shadow servants!? Besides Adam, those two friends who tried to kill him by mistake and that researcher from the demon facility, who would the 5th servant be?

Right now, Lyle could have 7 servants, as well as 7 servants of darkness. He still only used 5 servants of darkness as there were none that had any powers that were useful to him, so he was waiting to see if he could come across a person who had an interesting ability.

Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Fantasy · TheReign


Lyle!? Is he revealing his true identity now!?

Soldom grinned, his aura dissipating as his clothes and equipment began to reform. "Yeah, that was surprising, but you got it in the end, Lyle. Your swift action turned the tide."

Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Fantasy · TheReign


What items he got from the "mystery box"?

"My skills have improved greatly after using the simulation card, together with Lincon and the others, I have a good chance of killing them without suffering much."

Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Fantasy · TheReign


don't you mean Silrov?

"But we have killed Ishtamar and Soldom, the leaders of the organization, won't they hate us because of that?"

Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Fantasy · TheReign


Did Lyle get more servant spaces?

Lyle opened his eyes and stared at the underground area that had been damaged by his evolution. The walls and ceiling had cracked and there was a good chance that this place would no longer be suited for anyone to stay during their evolution.

Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Fantasy · TheReign


Which ability he got from Lyle? Blood or darkness?

He felt a connection with the necromancer, he had actually turned into a vampire.

Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Fantasy · TheReign


He could have, at least, saved the blood from necromancer in a jar to drink later to see if he'd get any skills from him if he couldn't turn him into a servant.

The Silver Knights suddenly stopped talking and stared at Lyle. They were finally able to see that he was bleeding from multiple places under his clothes and that one of his arms was heavily bruised, perhaps even broken.

Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Fantasy · TheReign


Too bad Lyle can't turn the necromancer into his servant, unless he gets another slot after killing so many undead.

The power of undeath and the darkness element were similar to each other, and the two actually complimented the other quite well. If a Necromancer has both, they would be able to unleash devastating curses and attacks together with their undead who were able to be boosted by the element of darkness as well.

Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Fantasy · TheReign

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