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29/ reads while listening to lofi and jazz/

2022-07-05 Joint United States
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11 days ago

thanks ive been trying to find out if the real harry potter was stolen or not so i could read the original

24 days ago


"Mistress said Master Cedric whining like a little girl so Dobby make his picture proper."

HP: Harry Had Enough

HP: Harry Had Enough

Book&Literature · Galaxy_Wonder

26 days ago


26 days ago

i actually gave harry a standing ovation XD that the coolest and badass way to take snape and everyone down a peg

"On top of that, when I escorted Harry into Hogwarts last night, it was easy to see the rest of the student population were either just scared, or flat-out terrified, of him," said Cygnus, breathing heavily from laughing too hard. "Now, he's just given a verypowerful warning to everyone else that Daphne is not to be bothered by anyone - or else! And the faces on the boys sitting at the Slytherin table showed they well understood the message. That girl just became the safest witch in Hogwarts! No one will go near her now!"

The Anger

The Anger

Movies · Sunnn_

26 days ago

i see that you slipped that in there XD

Though the infraction by Potions Master Snape may be considered minor, as it is a betrothal between two Noble and Most Ancient Houses, I feel it sirius enough it must be dealt with by your good selves as members in good standing of the Wizengamot. I feel even Dumbledore, as Chief Warlock and who attempted to intervene at the time, is not worthy of judging this matter.

The Anger

The Anger

Movies · Sunnn_

26 days ago

goddamn it jet is the best and very based

"Then why the fuck haven't you said 'yes' yet?" Jet said in an exasperated voice. Harry stared at Jet for several long seconds before he looked around until he caught Angela's eye, he gave her a small nod. Her face lit up, having clearly understood what he was saying, Harry returned to his breakfast while Jet began mumbling about silly humans.

Harry Potter The Serpent

Harry Potter The Serpent

Book&Literature · Infinity_Weaver

26 days ago
Replied to Hippster

ah now you know what the tism touch is congrats my friend you have finally been added to the homies

"Tut, tut." Lockhart said about thirty minutes later when he was skimming through the quiz results of multiple students. "Hardly any of you have remembered that my favorite color is lilac, hmm, let's see the other answers. Oh, that's odd. No, my favorite colour is not sunburst orange to the side of an orangutan butt cheek, whatever that means. No, my greatest achievement is not 'wibbling' whatever that means. Nor is my favorite achievement dogging with seventy nine year old men in the country side...hmmm...I'm not sure that's even a real position. Hugh Jazz is not my best friend. Hugh Jazz, does anybody know who Hugh Jazz is? Does anyone know a Hugh Jazz? Come on, I want to talk to someone who knows a Hugh Jazz, is anybody here a Hugh Jazz? Nobody? Disappointing." Lockhart said, not noticing the restrained laughter from most of the class. "Anyway, let's get on with this."

Harry Potter The Serpent

Harry Potter The Serpent

Book&Literature · Infinity_Weaver

26 days ago

well if they're all bending over for you they are fangirls arnt they XD

"Don't you mean 'fanboys'?" Tracey asked.

Harry Potter The Serpent

Harry Potter The Serpent

Book&Literature · Infinity_Weaver

26 days ago
Replied to geomichi506

i mean from what i read from the books she could be very nasty with hexes

"Slytherin!" The hat yelled out, surprising everyone as pretty much everyone was expecting the Weasley girl to go to the house of lions like her brothers. Professor McGonagall removed the hat from Ginny's head, she stood up on shaky legs and quickly walked towards the Slytherin table, looking like she was about to pass out from fear. She looked at the Slytherin first years, none of them looked willing to let her sit next to them, or at least until Roman moved up enough to give her a spot. She quickly took that seat and gave him a grateful nod, Harry glanced at the Gryffindor table and the saw all of the Weasley brothers sitting in pure disbelief.

Harry Potter The Serpent

Harry Potter The Serpent

Book&Literature · Infinity_Weaver