Shadow_Monarch13 - Profile



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2022-06-15 Joint Global

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Though he had been caught off guard by Sakura's outburst, Vahn felt a sour sensation in his nose and, resisting the urge to tear up, he accepted the small slip before allowing it to dissipate into small flakes of gold. He already knew what Sakura cared about the most but, seeing her selflessly give away her present so that her mother could be happy caused him to feel a wave of emotion. It wasn't just him, either, as Rin had to cover her mouth to avoid an emotional outburst of her own. Following this, the atmosphere became rather awkward but, understanding Sakura's sincerity, Vahn managed to swallow the knot in his throat as he muttered, "This wish...I will grant it..."

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion



Seemingly finding his words hilarious, the man was about to release another grating laugh before he noticed the stunned looks of his companions. They all had stupefied expressions on their faces, and, when he followed their gaze, a similar expression appeared on his own before quickly being replaced by a look of abject terror. At that exact same moment, a truly excruciating amount of pain began to spread through his body as his below-average dragon, frozen solid, fell to the ground...

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion



Gray found herself at a loss for words after hearing Vahn speak, lowering her head slightly as she just allowed him to stroke her hair for nearly a full minute before Rin nudged him. This was ultimately for the best as, while stroking Gray's head, Vahn had been very tempted to grab her wriggling ahoge as it danced from side to side in response to his caress. He had once grabbed Lakshmibai's in the past, eliciting a loud and startled 'squeak' from her, followed by an extremely embarrassed reaction that resulted in her giving him the silent treatment for a few minutes after the fact. As Artoria had also reacted in a rather adorable manner, Vahn felt that ahoges within the Nasuverse were a strange yet amusing existence that, even now, he didn't fully understand.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion



Taking advantage of the stunned silence she had caused, Mordred held up both her hands in the shape of claws, shouting, "Sakura, pounce...!" Following this, Mordred leaped through the air, covering nearly 10m in an instant, headbutting Vahn's sternum as he caught her in his embrace. Then, after laughing in response to Vahn rubbing her head, Mordred looked back towards Sakura, gesturing toward the shy girl, urging her to take a few sheepish steps forward. She obviously lacked the physical ability to leap across the entire room so Sakura got within a few steps of Vahn before holding up her 'claws' and stammering, "O-otou-sama...r-r-rawr..." Then, thought she didn't even get more than fifteen centimeters of the ground, Sakura leaped towards Vahn with outstretched arms and a ruby-red face...

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion



After removing the dress from the hangar, Freya laid it against the intricately designed chaise lounge as the godly attire she was wearing began to fall as petals to the floor. If Vahn had been present, he would have noticed the dress disassembled in the same way as Hestia's, even though it was predominantly black with red petals instead of the pure white of Hestia's. Though there was no one present to admire her figure, Freya still cut a beautiful image in the low-light of the room as she stood with her body completely exposed to the night air. She traced her hands along her body and mused toward the moon overhead, "I wonder when you'll warm my cold body...Vahn."

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion



There were loopholes to everything, and Freya was very experienced with getting her way if it came down to it. She couldn't stand to see someone with so much potential escape her grasp, especially after watching him dominate someone above his own level...his figure when he was fighting was already deeply engraved in her body, especially when he had the tyrannical look on his face when he burned the eyes of his opponent. The moment he had stabbed Tammuz through the heart, Freya felt as if her own heart had been prodded and she couldn't help but climax a little.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion



Shaking her head, Aki had a wry smile on her face and continued, "You know, after one of our successful expeditions, he even accompanied a group to the red light district." Aki released a strange laugh before saying, "I heard later that, even though he paid for a prostitute and took an aphrodisiac, he actually just held the girl's hand and slept quietly without actually doing anything. To make matters worse...that idiot actually picked a cat person prostitute with black hair!"

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion



A small smile appeared on Vahn's face because of the efforts Hestia was putting in, so he decided to make things more comfortable so that the event would be more memorable. Rubbing his hands together, the white energy from his palms began to coalesce more and there were even small sparks appearing between them before Vahn placed his hands on her lower back. He could feel the muscles of her lower back spasm a bit as he traced his hands from her spinous process all the way up the outer edge of her trapezius muscles before pressing his thumbs into the connecting point between her teres minor and deltoids. The entire time he was moving his hands, Hestia's aura continued to fluctuate and Vahn felt like it was taking on some watery, somewhat hazy, properties.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion



Though it should have made her feel 'scared', the only thing Loki could feel at this moment was excitement and intrigue about what Hephaestus had to say. Hephaestus looked into the eyes of Loki and could see the veiled madness contained within. She knew she wouldn't be able to keep the matter hidden, but now she could make use of her alliance with Loki to conceal it for a longer period of time. After releasing a long sigh, she turned her vision towards the Goddess of Trickery and said, "Vahn has an item called [Enkidu]..."

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion


1st alt title is so 🔥!

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Avahngers Assemble','Gathering of the Vahnguard','More women than the Author Expected to Appear!?')

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion



Once his 'preparations' were complete, Vahn looked into Ais's eyes and noticed they were slightly watery. Though her expression hadn't changed much, Vahn could see her brows had raised a bit. Slowly leaning his face toward her's, Vahn overlapped his lips with Ais's and gently kissed her. The moment they made contact, Ais tensed up a bit, but as the kiss continued she slowly began to relax.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion



Without any hesitation, Tiona shouted out while triumphantly throwing her fist in the air. "Of course! Vahn is the person I've chosen to sire my children! There is no way I don't like him!" She said the words with a big smile on her face as she glomped the startled Vahn. She just dangled off his neck and laughed in a childish manner. Ais, who was also being stared at by Bete, looked between Vahn and Bete a few times before giving her own response. "He is better than you. You are just older."

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion



After leaving the dungeon, they made their way towards the inn when Vahn suddenly stopped. He could feel a penetrating gaze, almost like someone was looking directly through him. Turning towards the direction of the gaze, he looked towards Babel Tower that loomed in the distance. The gaze seemed to intensify and it caused Vahn's internal energy to shudder before he felt the penetrative force disappear entirely.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion



"This is a hammer I personally forged using the magisteel ingot you had created and Hihi'irokane metal. The combination of metals makes the hammer incredibly durable, and since it was partially constructed with magisteel you had tempered yourself, it is extremely receptive to your mana." As Hephaestus began explaining the functions of the hammer, she started to become a bit restless. Giving a sidelong glance at Vahn, she continued. "I crafted this hammer to represent my desire for you to become a capable blacksmith in the future. It is the culmination of your first success and my hope that you will one day forge a weapon that can satisfy me..."

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion



The second man that had approached Vahn fiddles around a bit with the mechanism attached to his hip, trying to disconnect it. Unfamiliar with the device, he ends up snapping the release near the valve while detaching the tube.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion

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