

male LV 4

A wannabe fantasy writer.⚡

2022-06-08 Joint India
Œuvres originales
Badges 7

Moments 405
5 hours ago


Alexander - These are my favorite weapon. I like their style.

The Daily Life of the Demon King

The Daily Life of the Demon King

Anime & Comics · GreedHunter

6 hours ago


-Good evening, Mrs Thoma. -Good evening. The garrison commander allowed me to rest for a day, so I went straight to you.

Avatar: The Last Airbender: Legend

Avatar: The Last Airbender: Legend

Anime & Comics · FanFictionPremium

1 days ago

i feel the novel has no life .no emotions only determination

6 days ago
Replied to LowQ12


It was quite a shock when she met Niveus for the first time. He wore a finely crafted mask with slight, delicate features painted with swirling blue colors against a smooth white surface; his calm tone when he introduced himself matter-of-factly; the silky snow-white hair reached to his waist; and his lean build that quickly gave off the impression of frailty that caused Eliana to perceive him as a feminine.

Becoming A Nameless Character In A Chaotic World

Becoming A Nameless Character In A Chaotic World

Fantasy · Overseer_

12 days ago


'This is the 56th piss sample of Riko Takashima that I've collected ever since she started seeing those two guys 2 months ago, on the 3rd of January, 10:37 AM - Class 3-1 - Time and place of initial contact. After sending each sample to over 8 labs across the country anonymously, I still see no signs or indication of drug involvement. KNOWN drugs, that is. Just to make sure, I've broken into both of the guys' houses and looked in every corner, nook, and cranny for something suspicious. Besides some used condoms which didn't yet include Riko's DNA signature, I haven't spotted anything worth mentioning. Not even in their browser's history. But of course, there's the possibility of private browsing, so I installed hidden cameras all over their houses while they were asleep, just to make sure, still nothing worth mentioning. But then of course, if you're a smart criminal, you'd hide your stash anywhere but your own house. So I placed a GPS tracker in both of their shoes, just to be safe. But over the last two months, they haven't gone anywhere suspicious besides some arcades, a mixer, and an adult video store. So far, no notable criminal activity.'

Anti-NTR Man: I Save The Main Character From Getting CUCKED!

Anti-NTR Man: I Save The Main Character From Getting CUCKED!

Action · Hazy_0832

12 days ago


'Six long months ever since I built this website... I used so much money for the advertising, but no ever clicks the link! I even shaved my head, so that people would see how badass I am... But no one even LOOKS at my website!! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I SACRIFICED?!" He cries, his screen's glow accentuating his bald head.

Anti-NTR Man: I Save The Main Character From Getting CUCKED!

Anti-NTR Man: I Save The Main Character From Getting CUCKED!

Action · Hazy_0832

12 days ago
Replied to SynthWaveRider45


'If only I had clients to vouch for that,' he groaned. 'All my savings, all the training, all the courses, and not a single client?! Come on, you fucking pussies main characters, does NOBODY want to have those blonde haired gyaru boys get their asses baseballed!!? Ooohh, I get it - You all have NTR fetish!! You WANT the blonde haired douchebag, the ugly fat middle-aged man, the sadistic shouta or the buff foreigner to steal your girls (or guys, I don't discriminate)!! It's in your BLOOD to wanna get cucked... ESPECIALLY WHEN MY SERVICES are only 10,000 yen per case, no police involved!!! It's practically a public service I'm doing here!!!'

Anti-NTR Man: I Save The Main Character From Getting CUCKED!

Anti-NTR Man: I Save The Main Character From Getting CUCKED!

Action · Hazy_0832

14 days ago
Replied to NubiGuy


Blue eyes as deep as the ocean and as beautiful as aquamarine, the treasure of mermaids. Her skin was a perfect porcelain white, with no blemishes and a smoothness that seemed to lack any impurities. Her thin eyebrows and those delicate yet small rose-colored lips. Her raven-like hair was so smooth and reflecting, like obsidian, and as soft as black silk threads. She had a cold and indifferent expression on her face. As if she was close yet distant. Even though she was here but she wasn't within anyone's reach.

Conquering The Game's World

Conquering The Game's World

Fantasy · Dakshay

14 days ago


'Don't tell me it's an older woman? Nah, Luis' parents aren't that heartless towards their son. They dote on him a lot.'

Conquering The Game's World

Conquering The Game's World

Fantasy · Dakshay

  • Dolittle in HP world original

    Dolittle in HP world


    note:the timeline is messed up in this universe so expect the unexpected A man dies and is reincarnated in the Harry Potter world as Dolittle, but he cannot remember his past; he only recalls fragments of it. However, this world is not solely limited to Harry Potter. Brace yourself for unexpected movies within it. mc is going to explore the HP world and find different magical beast around the world I don't own the copyright of hp world and movies as it belong to it owner and oc belong to me spoiler ahead brace for the impact ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ -------------------------------------------------------------- spoiler: the mc is not a wizard and not going to attend Hogwarts

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