Ryan2248 - Profile


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2022-05-15 Joint Global

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Replied to Dark_Magma

People with twin spirits usually develop one spirit to the point they can hunt 10000 year beasts and then start developing the second martial soul so all of its rings are 10000 years or older.

"Hm.. Then please think it over well. In the mean time, this is a special card for those with full innate soul power. It will allow you to get a 10 year old spirit soul." Pou Tan disappointedly responded and handed Gloxinia a small black card with an image of an eye in the middle.

Gloxinia in Douluo Dalu

Gloxinia in Douluo Dalu

Anime & Comics · kickyx


It was done by a pirate group, why are they acting like it was done by a ninja village?

 -- They must kill the person who broke this hidden rule! So that that no other ninja attempts such actions.

Naruto, Be My Son

Naruto, Be My Son

Anime & Comics · Ginormous_Madman


Didn't he develop his clothes to be able to fly?

And if he walks in a road filled with mud then he'll eventually leave a foot trail.

New Dawn- A Harry Potter Transmigration Fanfic

New Dawn- A Harry Potter Transmigration Fanfic

Others · Fortunate_Soul


I am thinking that giving teenagers with image issues the power to transform themselves ended up with a lot of incidents and permanent disfigurement.

He felt that he should not be judging the ministry and the Hogwarts staff without the appropriate facts. Maybe Human transfiguration was just a very dangerous subject and was discontinued and then restricted in order to keep the kids safe but he had a feeling that there was more to it than that.

New Dawn- A Harry Potter Transmigration Fanfic

New Dawn- A Harry Potter Transmigration Fanfic

Others · Fortunate_Soul


Every village does this.

 In order to plagiarize ninja techniques, they would even assassinate ninjas from other countries and steal information from their bodies.

Naruto, Be My Son

Naruto, Be My Son

Anime & Comics · Ginormous_Madman


Also, why would he need it? He and Izumi could just switch eyes when her's advance far enough to do it.

The day went by. Izumi returned to her sensei and teammates to update them on the recent events. The dead Uchihas were brought to the cremation site. While overseeing the transfer, Jun had the crazy idea of stealing a Sharingan or two, just in case. Considering that he possessed the Mangekyo Sharingan, it was worth thinking about unless he wanted to go blind.

The Fateful Uchiha

The Fateful Uchiha

Anime & Comics · MilexKor


They are missing the huge implication that if he died in the Hokage's office that would mean he tried to control him.

The Sandaime narrowed his eyes slightly. Jun glared back at him with a hint of defiance. He had just implicitly accused Danzo of being a thief and that he had killed for it. The Hokage had no choice but silently accept it. Hiruzen knew his childhood friend had gone too far. In any case, Jun had wiped out all the sympathy the Hokage had displayed toward him at the beginning of the meeting. Jun didn't regret his action. He could have revealed more, and some people in the room knew it.

The Fateful Uchiha

The Fateful Uchiha

Anime & Comics · MilexKor


Wasn't he average at her age?

They were dismissed. The mission was officially over. The teenager went home. Izumi had improved. Her taijutsu was almost as good as her brother's had been at her age. She was the top student in her class. Upon seeing her manipulating shurikens and kunais and displaying her katas, Jun had less trouble imagining her as a ninja.

The Fateful Uchiha

The Fateful Uchiha

Anime & Comics · MilexKor


I highly doubt that an alien spaceship would have the same cable ports as devices from earth.

Robin was crouched beside the dart, with a cable extending from his wrist computer connected to the machine.

DC: The Prince of the Underworld

DC: The Prince of the Underworld

Anime & Comics · Abyssuit


This was a smart move. The cameraman never dies.

Ce livre a été supprimé.

He killed the Joker, he didn't lead an invasion of Earth. He poses no threat towards the earth or normal people.

"Batman to all League cough cough, Alpha code, I repeat, we have an Alpha code cough" the Alpha code was a special code for individuals dangerous towards the safety of the world. To date only, one Alpha code had been recorded in the history of the League... it was for Steppenwolf. Saying this, Batman fainted.

DC: Spirit of Vengeance

DC: Spirit of Vengeance

Anime & Comics · Tio_Iroh99


I think they just want cannon fodder.


Isn't Glenn taller than Jack, how is he adorable?


The teacher literally said that they were temporary.

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