

male LV 4

16 year old guy trying to figure out what I want to do. I also have level 1 autism. Amogus.

2022-05-05 Joint United States
Badges 4

Moments 152
4 days ago
Replied to Kakaroto_4270

I wouldn't know man I'm not a doctor, and I'm basing this off of what I see in anime.

1 months ago
Replied to Argent_Evergarden1

It's Shin Godzilla bro.

Having a little control over my body, I began to move along the city, trying to bypass it and reach the water. Helicopters were already circling above me and shining their searchlights. Fortunately, they did not shoot at me. The very fact that they weren't shooting gave me quite a bit of information. If this world was filled with monsters like me, they would have already started showering me with bullets, but they delayed. It could only mean that they were seeing something like this for the first time, and since I wasn't going straight into town, they decided not to provoke. If they had opened fire first, I might have stormed the city in anger, and surely many generals and politicians would have resigned from their posts.

Guardian of the Pacific: The Incredible Adventures of the Giant Turtle

Guardian of the Pacific: The Incredible Adventures of the Giant Turtle

Movies · MyQuietPlace

1 months ago
Replied to MrMachete

WW2 ended in two days after this behemoth of a man showed up.

"BIBLE! GET READY!" M/Sgt. Collier says to his gunner nicknamed Bible due to his heavy conviction in Christianity and always carrying a bible around. 

Wolverine in The Boys

Wolverine in The Boys

TV · Anomander_Adaar

1 months ago
Replied to Ker_Lat

Unknown. Sorry bro.

'Oh crap, I'm feeling her thighs. They're firm. I guess she's been training. Wait no! Control yourself, Eijiro!' He tried to resist, but, like any man, he failed. Mina's face went redder as she felt something rising, and it was the hero.

To Become Unstoppable

To Become Unstoppable

Anime & Comics · LesserCodex

1 months ago
Replied to TheMudkipHomie

The skull? It's a child skull with the adult teeth not so hidden by the outside shell.

Kuroiro can enter and control dark or black things but his old schools placed him on watch given his deceitful attitude when paired with such a quirk. Finally, Kamakiri is aggressive, similar to Bakugo but not to the same extreme, and can make large, sharp, and durable blades grow from his body."

MHA : Evolving

MHA : Evolving

Anime & Comics · Huvnn

1 months ago
Replied to Nyxio

Wanna see what my birth parents look like. Then maybe punch them in the stomach.

"Hahaha... you're telling me... haha... you're seriously telling me you went to this Kamar-tah place only to get rejected." Leo laughed holding his stomach, doubled over with amusement at Kai's misadventures, "God! They seriously rejected you... to be a monk of all things. I have never heard a wanna-be monk be rejected!! Hahaha"

Marvel: I am Sukuna

Marvel: I am Sukuna

Anime & Comics · Andrew_Basnet

1 months ago
Replied to AryaNotsee

Don't diss the strongest sorcerer in history.

1 months ago
Replied to Zero_Five_7869

I don't know bro, I think it's a ramen topping

2 months ago
Replied to darkv01dkai

I was adopted when I was three hours old and have never met my birth parents so HAH!


"Hahaha... you're telling me... haha... you're seriously telling me you went to this Kamar-tah place only to get rejected." Leo laughed holding his stomach, doubled over with amusement at Kai's misadventures, "God! They seriously rejected you... to be a monk of all things. I have never heard a wanna-be monk be rejected!! Hahaha"

Marvel: I am Sukuna

Marvel: I am Sukuna

Anime & Comics · Andrew_Basnet

2 months ago
Replied to Passerby_Venne

Wait most of his crew are OC's? I could not tell.

After a minute of silence, the old man broke out laughing. "Chahahahah, to think that I, Jojo Pojo would be asked to sail under someone else's flag!" He laughed for a while.

Fist Of Haki

Fist Of Haki

Anime & Comics · Passerby_Venne