"Long time no see, Hayato-san."
Anime et Bandes dessinées · AsherQ_Q
『Me? Friends with Horikita-chan? Now you're just being presumptuous. I'd say our relationship is more like Gon and Hisoka? 』
Anime et Bandes dessinées · Zacky_Bilnadzary
The Angry Mango
Wasn't the Extra Servant summoned in the Third Holy Grail War supposed to be Angra Mainyu—the embodiment of All the World's Evil from Zoroastrian mythology?
Anime et Bandes dessinées · IamGamerA
I'll try to update this week
Motohama: Speedrunning Misogyny in 24 FPS
Anime et Bandes dessinées · TheGamer9167