Webnovel Author: AdamFlores - Fanfic Collection



male LV 4

I like reading and writing fiction, obviously

2022-04-02 Joint Global

Badges 7

Moments 617

Replied to Akira_von_Arian


Absolutely amazing. I feel like this fan fiction is quite underrated Grammar is near flawless. But the most impressive thing is that the characters actually stick to their canon self- it is amazing how the author can flawlessly write character interactions who stay true to their personality. They also get expanded upon, but it just feels so natural that it makes them have more depth, without sacrifcing anything or making a character OOC even in the slightest I honestly have nothing much to say. The MC uses his powers quite well. In fact, he took advantage of Alchemy as soon as he learned what his powers were, and he also plans to take advantage of forging. It is great that the MC utilises his 'system' to the fullest potential- though I suppose he could also buy a lot of staff and then sell them, repeat the process and reach max level speech skill, but that is a bit unrealistic as he has just started. Of course, there is also the romance aspect- but not much is currently going on. His interactions with Hestia are great. But as my personal preference, I would hope this is a harem, as Danmachi is a harem anime and well... We have to stay true to the theme of this world, don't we? Anyway, just from what was shown- I believe in the author, and I have faith that whatever romance is written by him will be amazing.... Although I hope it will be a harem, it would be better to let nature take its course. If the MC has multiple partners interested in him, then the next course of action is obvious. And if not... well, as long as it seemed natural and not forced by any external circumstances, then that is fine too

Replied to Lazyboi

To be honest, I am not sure of what specifically I find boring and interesting. I can clearly say with confidence that the examples you had provided are too boring and mundane, but if you ask me of my opinion, I can't give any specific example or something that I have in mind I'd much rather hear you out and what you have in mind for Mistral, and then I can make a judgement regarding this Of course, generally, I would prefer something that is both engaging and interesting- something that makes me want to write about it, and brings out my passion. I would much prefer writing while enjoying something, than just doing it only for the superficial reason that it is more 'meaningful' and would be better for 'character development'. I suppose that is the largest part that contributes to it- my enjoyment. I write as a hobby, so it would be obvious that I would be much more active and passionate when writing about something that interests me. A vague premise such as a 'mystery' doesn't call out to me. If I had to give an example for what mysteries truly appeal to me.... Well, it would be Adam exploring a verse, and unveiling it's secrets slowly, while also expanding upon this verse and adding upon what has already been shown in the canon. I don't know if expanding upon a verse myself and having the MC slowly figure things out counts as a mystery, but I suppose this is the closest thing to a mystery that I would personally enjoy without specially brainstorming or seeking something specific

Replied to Lazyboi

Thank you, but I still feel like it should be something 'big' and 'interesting', not something mundane like the examples you provided previously And in regard to that 'If Adam doesn't care, then why would the readers care?'. I meant that in the way that if Adam, the main protagonist of the story isn't interested in something, doesn't give it his all, and only does it because I imposed that on him because of my author power... Then it would not only would it be difficult for me to write it, but I also don't think I would be satisfied with reading it, and of course, other people won't care about it either And of course, it is an interesting premise. But I don't want to focus on any mundane mysteries, if it is not interesting and is mundane, Adam wouldn't care. It is not about his power, it is about perspective. Not only can he read minds and sense a lot around him with [Magic sense], but he also has the sub-skill of [Great sage], [All of creation], which if you didn't know, it allows him to know every non concealed phenomenon. Although I suppose it might not work in other worlds beside the Tensura verse, it still isn't particularly needed in this case Again, Adam's perspective and standards are a bit higher. He has been in the honkai verse for 16 years, he has fought against a 'Herscher', and he has also travelled to Tensura and Shiraori's world. Perhaps it still hasn't been long since he obtained power in comparison to his age, but after experiencing so many things, I really don't think he will go out of his way to meddle in other people's business- people who are from another world, which he will probably not visit again in the future. Of course, he will experience this trip to the fullest, but it would be more like an Observer or a Wanderer, not someone who actively seeks to involve himself, and seek mysteries. Of course, he might take the initiative to talk to 'canon' characters. Not because they are major characters from an anime, but because he at least knows of them, and because I guess he would be curious to know 'anime characters' from beyond from what was known

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