
LV 4
2022-02-25 Joint Global
Badges 2

Moments 4
2 days ago
Replied to Jamale_Holdman

How about he only joined temporarily to help get others to safety

2 days ago

Just throwing it out there what if the mc took over the sea of rust (while exploring the seas of rust he falls through the roof of an ancient building find him self in an armory filled with ancient but very advanced weaponry and armor. As the mc explores the building few remaining audio logs incidate the the sea of rust was the result of a experiment gone wrong. One cybertroian scientist tried to warn the others but was ignored. After the experiments blast the rust started to appear,the planetary government declared the blast area quarantined no one in, no one out. Everything in the area stars to rust buildings, the ground, and even cybertron citizens themselves. During the panic the scientist everyone ignored discovered a cure of placing rust metal in super energized pool of Energon fluid. As the mc reaches the large door the last words on the audio “lead to a new future”. Mc walks in sees it’s a massive spark vault of an untold number of sparks that were removed and stored before the rust contaminated the spark it’s self. At the end of the the large vault was a spark slightly damaged was non other than the scientist himself/herself whichever writers choice.The mc must find a way to restore the spark before the knowledge to save the sea of rust is lost forever) hope this helps

4 months ago

How is he going to grow the population of the bunker, through summoning or sending out a broadcast message to attract people

1 years ago

as for where to start i think in the game the city was willing to sell pacifica for a amount of eddies the mc could start there. have the corp b diverse in what the company does, For resources with a recycling plant run by dalamaine or his son and collect all that scrap electronics and materials with auto trash collectors. and recruit from various gangs for their expertise 76ers for combat, voodoo boys for netrunning, show nightcity anyone can have a good life and get its support (hearts and minds)

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