

male LV 3

Getting xp in writing to add to my proficiencies list.

2022-01-31 Joint Brazil
Badges 7

Moments 348
6 months ago

On chapter 2 the MC sees his appearance in a mirror, staggers, slips, hits his head and faints. What a stupid way to faint. These shi**y authors are always too lazy to write believable characters so they make them faint so they have the carta blanca to skip ahead, how stupid. How can a dude literally physically stagger himself only because he think he won't be a '170cm chad' and almost kill himself in a bathroom. Of course the author is trying to make things as convenient for the transmigator as possible because conflict is boring or something, and the stupid protagonist instead of thanking god for his mercy he insteads starts complaining, those are all signs of a trash wish fulfillment story, and a spoiled brat of a main character that will whine and moan if everything isn't going according to his wishes.

6 months ago


The reason to fear death is simple. It is because nobody knows what occurs after death.

Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Eastern · Evil_Villain

7 months ago

Shouldn't it be Zeru "Dinasty"?

Ce livre a été supprimé.
7 months ago

I'm gonna be honest, our boy parmesan really has outdone himself. This feels way less like a pokemon simulator where you collect girls and then follow the story with them with only different abilities and skills and way more like each character is actually unique and has her own view of the world and reasoning.It plays a perfect trope on the harem theme since the world they live in is actually an eroge where the MC's objective is to collect the girls into his harem and they just magically love him. And Parmesan subverts that trope by making the harem meaningful and full of feelings, rather than what is said to be original where feelings were basically only a tool to have the characters do the lewds with the original MC. Also the fact of a "normal" person in that world is way better than the netori reincarnated alpha males which just steals the protagonist's harem just for the sake of stealing and having them, treating people more like objects to be owned rather than actual humans which has infected webnovel for a good while. Thanks Parmesan for your work, u my favorite cheese author

7 months ago

I died internally the moment I read that. Why? Why? What did that add to the story?


"HEHE, TE NANDAYO" they got scared by my act before i calm down again and thought this through

Telekinesis In Multiverse

Telekinesis In Multiverse

Video Games · Souleye123

7 months ago


'complete emotion from sad, anger, embarrassment, and happiness, yep i am getting this tech usually women in real-world only want money, and blame all the problems on the boy for what they have done nothing, soo it is kind of refreshing to talk to a real girl (even though she is android but it is 10 times better) maybe it is right thing that the human extinct soo i don't have to deal with that kind of women ugh' i thought myself but quickly answer her question

Telekinesis In Multiverse

Telekinesis In Multiverse

Video Games · Souleye123

7 months ago


i see her face begin to smile from interaction, 'aww she really adorable I wonder can I make her blush'

Telekinesis In Multiverse

Telekinesis In Multiverse

Video Games · Souleye123

7 months ago

What is this fallout 76 dialogue

"hahaha they all hate us android you know"

Telekinesis In Multiverse

Telekinesis In Multiverse

Video Games · Souleye123

7 months ago
Replied to MeepsNewGroove

Probably in case they are getting repaired by the resistance.

getting android tech should be possible and pod should be easy to find even a damaged one i can just repair it with telekinesis and when they try to self destruct if suddenly pods imagine getting repaired by an enemy i could tell the pods that i am human, human have high-level clearance anyways and i could tell them to keep quiet for me maybe

Telekinesis In Multiverse

Telekinesis In Multiverse

Video Games · Souleye123

7 months ago

oof, heaviest stuff he will be bringing most likely.