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Just in case your looking for something to read look at my public reading list but just so you know their mostly all fanfics

2022-01-03 Joint Ascension Island

Badges 5

Moments 2184

Replied to Avi2112


It was your little sister Mary Jane Watson.

A Mutant Collector Quest

A Mutant Collector Quest

Movies · Avi2112

Replied to world_domination

So personally I’d make her switch sides

Time Period: When most X-Men are in Highschool

A Mutant Collector Quest

A Mutant Collector Quest

Movies · Avi2112

Replied to LuciferDFallN1

He wanted it

That wasn't all, Albus also revealed the fact that one of the Dark Lord's servants overheard the first half of the Prophecy and made a run for it before Albus could stop him. Lily obviously wanted to know more… Like what did the Prophecy entail? She also wanted to know the name of the person who overheard the Prophecy, but the great Albus Dumbledore decided that revealing the Prophecy to them would put them in even more danger… Albus also refused to reveal the name of the person who overheard the Prophecy.

Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic]

Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic]

Movies · InGlorious


Bruhs gonna be the guy that made compound v can’t think of his name

The little boy stares at me in horror, awe, fear, and possibly fascination seeing my claws and eye heal instantly. Seeing the fire quickly spreading, I grab the child and run into the office. Though there doesn't appear to be another exit, so I take out my claws again cutting a new exit. Breaking the wall down I stand outside and right there are several German soldiers. 

Wolverine in The Boys

Wolverine in The Boys

TV · Anomander_Adaar


Bruh that’s a waste wirh óbitos chakra and chakra control he ain’t even barely gonna be able to use it, it’s going to be like a snake sized one

"Well, I believe you can live up to your words. Once you finish this paper, I'll teach you both the Great Dragon Fire Jutsu and Konoha Whirlwind," Mutsuki looked convinced.

Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Anime & Comics · ChaosNinja

Replied to antmanFN


After returning home, Mutsuki went to the bathroom and stuck out his tongue in front of the mirror.

Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Anime & Comics · ChaosNinja


Nah special jonin because he doesn’t have the experience or physical ability of a jonin

[Evaluation: Mastery in Fire Release Chakra Nature Transformation. What limits your strength is your low Chakra. If you can overcome this drawback, you can be considered among the elite Jonin.]

Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Anime & Comics · ChaosNinja

Replied to Lone_Philosopher

I mean he might’ve killed more people then most ninjas just saying

Naruto glanced at her, his young face betraying an old soul's depth of understanding. He knew she blamed herself for their lack of closeness, attributing it to his unusual maturity. In truth, it was his past life—a life filled with blood, deception, and a wife and daughter of his own—that created the chasm. He was an assassin reborn, a man trapped in a child's body, unable to fully embrace the innocence expected of him.

Reincarnated as Naruto with Sukuna's Powers

Reincarnated as Naruto with Sukuna's Powers

Anime & Comics · MyMumCallsMePig


Bro you got to put these () around the sentences when your talking you’re making it seem like he’s a reincarnator

Though he was killed by a sneak attack, he wasn't really scared. During his peak in his past life, he had absorbed almost every ability present in that era and had a massive amount of chakra and natural energy. If it wasn't for his body being so fragile, he might have beaten those three attackers to death. It was just like how Isshiki was overpowering Naruto and Sasuke in Boruto but died because of his time limit.

Naruto: The Child Of Prophecy Is Evil!

Naruto: The Child Of Prophecy Is Evil!

Anime & Comics · Caesar_4858


Bro couldn’t do it in front of hiruzen the monkey or whatever retarde name is

"You too," Naruto replied. Although he didn't really mean it, he knew how to manipulate people by showing them what they wanted to see until he gained their trust. This time, it happened naturally, even though he had no real use for the woman in front of him.

Naruto: The Child Of Prophecy Is Evil!

Naruto: The Child Of Prophecy Is Evil!

Anime & Comics · Caesar_4858


For the horde?


Which she will stay in until I can get around to her and remove all the brainwashing HYDRA began putting in her head to make her loyal to them. So I can then implant my own information and make her loyal to me and Latveria. Since her talents would be wasted by HYDRA and by extension SHIELD.

I Am Doom (Marvel)

I Am Doom (Marvel)

Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever

Replied to Extra_VICC

Natural energy has so many abilties and can be used for if they trained it like they did in other multiverses/universes

What Naruto did not know was that it was in fact the Kyuubi's yokai that was increasing his growth rate. Because he had been unable to get a decent meal from anywhere except Ichirku's, and their food was not healthy in the least, nearly half of the yokai circulating through the seal and into his body went into keeping his body as healthy as possible with the little amount of nutrients it had. Now that he was eating a decent mix of carbs, proteins and fats, the Kyuubi's Yokai had more to work with, thus causing allowing for it to increase his bodies' strength and physical attributes more easily.

Naruto: Winds and Changes

Naruto: Winds and Changes

Anime & Comics · William777


Now I remember why I hated the anime after I turned 13 hes to much of a people’s pleaser and cares to much

As he walked down the street Naruto ignored the glares and mutterings sent his way. While they still kind of bothered him, he refused to let it get to him in anyway. Now that he knew why he was hated, he was more determined to make them see that he wasn't some demon. That he was a proud shinobi of Konoha.

Naruto: Winds and Changes

Naruto: Winds and Changes

Anime & Comics · William777

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