"Exactly. Now then, let us all get to the roof. We will get the high ground and strike first."
Anime & Comics · A_Real_Werewolf234
"Exactly. Now then, let us all get to the roof. We will get the high ground and strike first."
Anime & Comics · A_Real_Werewolf234
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Honestly, I didn't mind the role. It had been fun playing along. I'd embraced the role of an evil Dracula figure, complete with all the theatrics. But seeing it so blatantly spelled out in the character bios made me sigh. Ulbert had been too good at making me out to be some monstrous god of darkness.
Video Games · Aswin_SS_4458
Day of wrath and doom Impending, David's words with Sibyl's blending, Heaven and Earth in ashes ending. Oh what fear man's bosom rendeth, when from heaven the Judge descendeth, on whose sentence all dependeth. Wondrous sound the trumpet flingeth, through earth's sepulchers it ringeth, All before the Throne in bringeth. From the dust of earth returning: man for judgement must prepare him. Spare O God, in mercy spare him. Lord all-pitying, Jesus blest, Grant them thine eternal rest. Amen Emanation— Pour forth from the Chaos - Day of Wrath!
"On the day of wrath, at end times, all creations shall burn to ashes, and shatter as foretold from David and Sybilla's prophecy. No matter how many trembling souls await, the Judge will descend, to bring doom judgment upon them and burn everything without a trace. The divine melody that resound through my legion, the roaring sound marking the beginning of war, lead everyone to assemble before the Throne." The power of his words caused the energy fields to flare, the swastikas pulsing in sync with his chant. The Einherjar stood resolute, their loyalty and power reinforcing Reinhard's declaration.
Anime & Comics · Asthoglho
In basic terms, it is a ritual to attain immortality as well as bringing the dead back to life using souls that have been killed to twist the natural Law. Most of Longinus Dreizehn Orden members does not know the true purpose of it, which is the emanation of Reinhard's Law that will turn the existence into an endless battlefield ruled by immortal warriors who will fight for eternity. In order to activate the Transmutation, the five Pentachroma, which are Nigredo, Albedo, Rubedo, Viriditas and Citrinitas must be present. The absence of any of the five will lead to the failure of the rite. A sufficient amount of souls either in quantity or quality has to be sacrificed to eight Swastikas. Longinus Dreizehn Orden members are meant to deliver those sacrifices (or become a sacrifice themselves). Afterward, all of the souls that reside in the land that is chosen to be Swastika will be absorbed by Reinhard. -Wiki
Transmutation of Gold will finally start tomorrow, but only the first part though~
Anime & Comics · Asthoglho
"I distanced myself from the thrill of men, labeling all as waste by the wayside as I passed through. I wished to love all and everything, yet none could withstand my love. Ah, why can't you endure my touch? If a mere graze upon your delicate skins sends you shattering to a myriad pieces, how can you hope to withstand my embrace? Such cruelty. Why must this world - from the tiniest blade of grass to the vastest of mountains- be so painfully fragile? So be it, then. My love shall take the form of destruction. I shall ravage so I can cherish. I adore the weak that bow before me, as well as the defeated that bend their knees. My love expands to the vassals that rebel, and those that mean me harm. I love all and everything. And so shall I lay waste to all before me."
"Well, I'm something of a Master Alchemist myself." Yu Long grinned while puffing his chest.
Anime & Comics · Nine_Clouds
Access—My Sin
Prologue: Natch
Paradise Lost.
Anime & Comics · Mujun_Sama