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2021-12-01 Joint Global
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4 days ago

I would let someone who can’t use magic live but this hell no tf

'This man is pure evil. I could probably track him with Dragon Dreams. Judging by his performance in the original story, even if he returns to the Iron Islands, he hasn't yet become especially powerful. With the help of the system, I should be able to gain the upper hand.'

Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Book&Literature · BlurryDream

5 days ago


5 days ago

For money right

In truth, if the Windblown weren't facing financial difficulties, the captain might have rejected Viserys's proposition altogether. He still didn't realize that his financial officer was embezzling funds, but Viserys planned to inform him once they returned from Orange Shore Bay.

Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Book&Literature · BlurryDream

5 days ago
Replied to GoldenKing_

She is still a kid didn’t even flower yet

After a brief chat, Viserys left Zalyne's Keep with Dany. Meanwhile, Falia and Asha slept until the afternoon. Upon waking, they smiled at each other and blushed, remembering the previous night's craziness. Falia noticed the sky outside and became confused. Suddenly, she remembered something important and exclaimed, "Quick! Moon tea!"

Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Book&Literature · BlurryDream

6 days ago
Replied to Abstruse_Meaning


"Furthermore, the war isn't over, especially with the Cloud Shinobi Village eyeing us. As someone who has lost their homeland and family due to war, you understand how vulnerable Konoha would be without the Nine Tails' power."

Naruto: I Quit

Naruto: I Quit

Anime & Comics · Kitty_Loves_Milk

6 days ago

Leave it be just strength Essos or just f it and run away lol

Dorne alone had vexed Aegon, and now it seemed all of Westeros, except for Dorne and The Reach, would be engulfed in flames. If he went too early, he'd be targeted by many. If he went too late, Westeros might be destroyed by infighting, leaving nothing to stand against the Night King. It was a difficult decision.

Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Book&Literature · BlurryDream

7 days ago

Wait wasn’t he one of the peopel who tried to snake him ? I would kill him tbh

Helbo's heart leapt with joy, his entire being filled with excitement. 'This is music to my ears,' he thought.

Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Book&Literature · BlurryDream

7 days ago

That would break his spirit lol

He glanced down at the seagull, then flapped his wings and flew away. However, the seagull seemed particularly fond of him and followed closely behind.

Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Book&Literature · BlurryDream

8 days ago

Bruh all u need is to hatch the eggs by offering blood and fire just kill people burn their bodies and put the eggs there done. And the comet happened becuse dragons returned. I would hatch them then focus on freeing the unsullied then take over one city fully control it then wait till dragon are fully grown then take over the other cities.

If he could win a lot of money through the competition, Viserys planned to take Dany and leave Braavos. He would hide and bide his time, eventually changing his appearance and joining a mercenary group. With the money earned, he could buy more dragon eggs—three were not enough; he needed at least five. In a few years, Dany would hatch the dragons, and they would retrace the Mother of Dragons' path to glory. Of course, the part about marrying the Horselord would be omitted. Viserys was confident he could command a thousand-man mercenary group within a few years, all without selling his sister.

Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Book&Literature · BlurryDream

8 days ago
Replied to DrHungr3y

Ya but it’s different here ur not putting ur life at risk following those commands. It’s like someone telling u go work and give 90% of ur pay check would u? That would be pathetic. Especially if u did that for a girl that is cheating on u or doesn’t care that much for u. But this changes if that girl is ur wife and she spends that money on ur kids and ur food. If the MC fought in a war to put his wife on the throne then I am all for it, if he did it to gain money or something worth the trouble then fine. But if he did it just cause that’s sad.

  • Game of Thrones: Legacy original

    Game of Thrones: Legacy


    Hi, Im new to writing just doing to see if I have a knack. this is about a man named James that dies n wakes up as john snow twin brother. he gets tierd of dealing with the people at Winterfell and decides to leave he goes to find a better place to set up his new base and leave a legacy for his children. Max 4 wives (some may exist prolly 1 max rest are gonna be new) he will not be a king that rules a kingdom instead he will focus on being able to influence everyone. Dont worry he will have enough power that no one will want to pick a fight with him instead they will try to suck up to him or stay out of his way. made a discord: https://discord.gg/T2tzaD9S

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