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2021-11-10 Joint Global

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I like this more carefree Bai zemin, I hope we see more of this side of him.

"Damn, at least this senior gave his first kiss recently, or else I'd really have to chase you even if I turn into a ghost.... Eh? That's not right. You're a ghost and you're dying too HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Bai Zemin laughed on the verge of insanity.

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Fantasy · XIETIAN


I really like this explanation. It's better than the usual light novel explanation, where it's usually ghosts and spiritual beings are weak to fire and lightning because fire and lightning is yang and ghosts and spiritual beings are yin.

Jack, like all ghosts and similar races, had a fatal disadvantage and this was that by not possessing a fleshly body to protect the soul, magical attacks deal more damage than they should; this was especially true for attacks that contained large amounts of energy similar to fire and lightning.

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Fantasy · XIETIAN

Replied to Mattias_Nordberg

No western is like smaug from the hobbit. Eastern is more like snake dragons from most eastern mythologies.

The tail of the mighty dragon Long Tian, his pride and one of the most powerful weapons of the western dragons, was cut off as easily as a hot knife cutting through melted butter.

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Fantasy · XIETIAN

Replied to KilLaRuNa

Nah dude. Honestly, keep it. I keep all my comments so I can look back on how wrong, stupid, or stubborn I was. I learn from those mistakes and try to be better but you cant do it, if there is no record of it. Sometimes, like a arrogant a$$hole, I like to think about it as erasing part of history to make it look better or more perfect which is something I find deeply abhorrent. Hell, you might very well be right. In which case, you can look back on those comments and realize how you predicted this happening forever ago, such a good feeling. So again in that way, its self serving to you.

"I don't know the name of that skill." Shen Mei shook her head without realizing it, causing a grunt of pain to slip out of her mouth. After a moment of silence, she said in a low, pained voice, "I only know that if someone moved the two twins more than 1000 meters away from Bai Yong, they would both experience shuddering pain. I know because I saw it in the past and you can also ask them if you don't believe me. My estimation is that the skill must be something similar to a seal that is set on the twins with Bai Yong as the key to the seal."

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Fantasy · XIETIAN

Replied to KilLaRuNa

Okay bro, I get where your coming from. Most of my comments are negative about this book because most of the time, the MC and or the characters in that moment do things that are, at least to me, stupid. However, you are right, if I am going to criticize the author for his losses, I should give him praise for his wins, because being negative all the time is bad for my own mental health and the author's. Furthermore, I am trying to be more positive about the book but sometimes certain things just nag at me because of how different I am ideologically from some of the characters in the story, at least for now. Which is fine because its nice to read books with characters of differing opinion to yourself, if its done right it lets you better see the other side of an argument and see what people who have that line of thinking are coming from. Plus, hopefully, by being more nice, it gives the author more of a reason to listen to my criticisms and pure speculations so in that way its self serving. To be fair though, the author does have a lot of people who support and root for him. Who give lots of praise to the story, the story itself is very high on the power ranking. Of course he also a$$holes that just hate the story for nonsensical reasons, my goal is to not come off like that. My goal is to give criticisms which hopefully the author reads, and then thinks about. This then hopefully leads to him, disregarding it, writing notes to change something in the story, to keep what I said in mind, or engaging in thoughtful conversation with a reader to kind of show his own line of thinking. I want the story to be better and not worse so if some of my criticisms leads to that, its a win for me. But I do need to try to give more to the author, than I take away, if that makes sense.

"I don't know the name of that skill." Shen Mei shook her head without realizing it, causing a grunt of pain to slip out of her mouth. After a moment of silence, she said in a low, pained voice, "I only know that if someone moved the two twins more than 1000 meters away from Bai Yong, they would both experience shuddering pain. I know because I saw it in the past and you can also ask them if you don't believe me. My estimation is that the skill must be something similar to a seal that is set on the twins with Bai Yong as the key to the seal."

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Fantasy · XIETIAN

Replied to KilLaRuNa

Yes he has potential, according to Lillith, but it doesn't mean jack if back then he got unlucky and ran into a bunch of second order beasts. Back when Bai Zemin planned to conquer China, he was nowhere as strong as he is now. There were plenty of things that could kill him on Earth, most likely together as opposed to one on one fights. Even now we are not sure what is going on in all of China or even all of the planet. You cant just ignore the rest of the planet because as you said, its a huge unknown factor and that affects Bai Zemin's ability to takeover China. Your saying because Bai Zemin has the confidence to do it, backed by Lillith's support, he should be capable of doing it. That is borderline plot armor, at least from the perspective of when Lillith and Bai Zemin had that conversation. Plus again Lillith is not necessarily the perfect source of information, unless somehow there is an in story reason that she is. There are things she might not know about the beginnings of some of the top tier existences in the universe. Those people could have given false information to the public because it serves them to do so. Or she could have gotten false information from her sources. We dont know either way. You cant assume that she is the perfect source of information just like I cant assume she isn't, its a big unknown. Okay I see what your saying. Your saying that regardless of if he was actually capable of doing it. He decided to start attempting to do it in that moment, based on his own confidence backed by Lillith. I think that is dumb as $hit since he has no clue what is going on in the rest of China or the World but I get what your saying. Your saying he usually respects his own life more which isn't the case because he jumps into situations all the time that could end his life. He also launches attacks, of unknown scope, that could easily kill him because he doesn't actually practice them before hand. Respecting his life would be researching his enemies and being more cautious, which he does do sometimes, but not all the time, unfortunately. Also I wasn't just referring to his enemies. He doesn't give a $hit about most people's life's and he has said that in his own thoughts multiple times. In that case because the author wrote it, I know exactly what he was thinking. Furthermore, I dont think Bai Zemin himself knows his own plans, he is winging it most of the time. For instance, deciding on a whim to jump into a rift that leads to another world, there is no way he planned for that. His goals right now are obvious because he said them many times, get his family back, conquer china, get to the 2nd order, and then somehow become the strongest person in the universe to his loved ones. Whatever I assume is going on currently in the story is usually backed by evidence and the context of the story but there is still a lot of this story left which means a lot of unknown things, that already happened, are currently happening, and have already happened. You have to take into account those unknowns as much as possible because it better informs your opinion if you try to take into account for those things to some degree. Obviously their unknown so I am going to be wrong, probably a lot, but I might also, hopefully ,be right a few times. I dont mind being wrong a lot, if I am right a few times. Again, no need to get so worked up dude. I am trying to antagonize you, we are both lovers of the story so lets just relax and enjoy what the author is writing. I will do it in my way and you can do it in yours. Or we could keep discussing it but in which case, you need to relax a little bit.

Such disdain and carelessness for life was something that Bai Zemin would never have felt in the past. He had always been careful and had never let power go to his head. But just several minutes ago, things seemed to have changed a little too much.

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Fantasy · XIETIAN

Replied to KilLaRuNa

I dont know exactly what she is thinking because you cant know what anybody is thinking exactly let alone a fictional character, unless your the author in which case its your job to convey that as best as possible. I use the context in the story shown by her actions and inner thoughts to make assumptions because again you cant know exactly what anybody is thinking in real life, unless that person tells you and you trust them to not lie to you.

"I don't know the name of that skill." Shen Mei shook her head without realizing it, causing a grunt of pain to slip out of her mouth. After a moment of silence, she said in a low, pained voice, "I only know that if someone moved the two twins more than 1000 meters away from Bai Yong, they would both experience shuddering pain. I know because I saw it in the past and you can also ask them if you don't believe me. My estimation is that the skill must be something similar to a seal that is set on the twins with Bai Yong as the key to the seal."

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Fantasy · XIETIAN


Is there a need for their to be the word "Strange," in front of the word "Deviations." Couldn't it just have simply been "Deviations."

Bai Zemin was just a normal, healthy young man whose sexual orientation had no strange deviations so despite knowing that Shangguan Bing Xue's current condition was because they had been running for hours without rest in the middle of a world whose gravity was several times more powerful than what they were used to and whose temperature was around 60 degrees, his mind still couldn't help but wander a bit towards some perverted stuff.

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Fantasy · XIETIAN


Awesome love it, be cautious.

"Well, not necessarily the title itself.... It's just that getting such a boost of power just by coming to this place gives me a bad feeling. It feels like things have suddenly gotten harder instead of easier even though our strength has clearly just increased."

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Fantasy · XIETIAN


Or the MC jumps into a place to train and ends up trapped there while having to protect his companion whose only point to being there is to act as a crutch for said MC. FYI, I dont think Bing Xue will be a crutch for Bai Zemin or at least I truly hope that wont be the case.

"In light novels, whenever the main character gets some cool treasure or some power boost bad things end up happening. Something like a sect chasing them because it turned out that the treasure was actually the lost divine artifact of the said sect or maybe because the protagonist possessed some kind of special bloodline that threatened some bizarre family."

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Fantasy · XIETIAN


So its basically an in universe excuse for the MC to commit genocide which is morally supported by the fact that seemingly these Asura people are all psychos.

[Mission objective: Kill enemies of the destroyer race and get rewards according to the level of achievement reached. Annihilation of a destroyer race will be rewarded with a Demi-God grade Treasure. The mission will end once the Soul Record considers that the Destroyer of Destroyers decided to leave the Abandoned World.]

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Fantasy · XIETIAN


I am a little bit suspicious about the soul record now.

[Destroyer of Destroyers: A world is abandoned when the existences that inhabit it commit the greatest taboo of all times massively. When the inhabitants of a world leave the path of natural evolution in search of immediate benefits and damage the cosmos as a whole in the process, the Soul Record abandons that world.]

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Fantasy · XIETIAN

Replied to KilLaRuNa

Okay Evangeline saves them, then she dies because she didn't think about the consequences. Or she did and doesn't do it. Shen Mei didn't save them because there was no benefit for her, she didn't save them because it wasn't feasible for her to do so. I have an idea of what Bing Xue is thinking in that moment because of her actions. She is judging Shen Mei because of her lack of action, thus she attacked without thinking about why Shen Mei wouldn't have rescued the twins in the first place. This then gives more evidence to something we already know, similar to Bai Zemin(actually now that I think about it, maybe even more so than Bai Zemin), Bing Xue lacks empathy for most people. If she put herself in Shen Mei's shoes and thought about what she knows thus far about Shen Mei, she would realize that maybe Shen Mei had a reason for not rescuing the twins. Instead she severely injured her and her friend before understanding the situation. Then if I recall correctly, she did not apologize for jumping the gun and went to go towards Bai Zemin. Finally, there is no need for all cap sentences. We can talk like calm adults who are arguing about a subject they both love while still staying acquaintances or maybe even friends after the fact. Regardless of who is wrong or right, we can still be cool with each other afterwards.

"I don't know the name of that skill." Shen Mei shook her head without realizing it, causing a grunt of pain to slip out of her mouth. After a moment of silence, she said in a low, pained voice, "I only know that if someone moved the two twins more than 1000 meters away from Bai Yong, they would both experience shuddering pain. I know because I saw it in the past and you can also ask them if you don't believe me. My estimation is that the skill must be something similar to a seal that is set on the twins with Bai Yong as the key to the seal."

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Fantasy · XIETIAN


This was sweet.

He looked at his hand covered in blood and couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious. Therefore, he silently began to retract his hand back.

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

Fantasy · XIETIAN

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