

LV 4
2021-10-28 Joint Global
Badges 26

Moments 1392
3 days ago
Replied to Jacob_Winkler

As a preventative measures. We don't clean cause it's dirty, we clean so that it won't get dirty. Fun fact this one of the main reasons why one of the partners being homemaker(sadly its also one of the reasons because which people expect females to take care of households rather than pursue their dreams) is more prevalent than in western households where the chores are divided and both working partners tackle them or do it on weekends. Our daily chores are so much that even when divided, it can't be tackled by a tired person coming from work. Also no, even we don't expect a tired man to come back from work than do the chores while tired. But as his wife is pregnant(pregnant ladies are prevented from working even if they are in early trimester, it's a culture thing more than a medical thing) so it fails on him to do it. Also there can be multiple reasons why he is cleaning after coming from work. 1. first is ofc what I mentioned before. 2. He has a small child and you know how much they make your work more. 3. Prolly more of a my reason than his but if I am living in a cleaned house everyday and suddenly one day it's dirty, It would feel off, off enough that even when I am tired as hell I will take up the mop to clean it cause if it ain't clean(sorry clean is not the right word, the correct word should be tidy) I won't be getting peace. Dunno if I missed any of your points, so remind me if I did.

Even Lin Xiaoxiao often did things within her ability.

Awakening the Daily Intelligence System

Awakening the Daily Intelligence System

Urban · Dark eye mask

3 days ago
Replied to Jacob_Winkler

I can totally understand you but I can also figure out from that sentence that you are not an asian. It's not that we asian need clean houses everyday but the problem is we asian don't really understand boundaries very well. So it can be anyday when out of nowhere your relatives or friends or colleagues or even neighbours invited themselves to your home. So keeping our houses presentable is more of a need than want. And it's a fking chore that we don't really want to do but fking have to.

Even Lin Xiaoxiao often did things within her ability.

Awakening the Daily Intelligence System

Awakening the Daily Intelligence System

Urban · Dark eye mask

1 months ago
Replied to Alex_king

And you don't have the sense of humour 😑

As Petunia started spluttering but her nephew didn't give her the opportunity to make a coherent sentence, "Because it's not about me, is it? It's about you, it was always about you. It's about how jealous you are that you're not like me, that you're not special. It wasn't enough for you to ignore me as you did, to pretend I don't exist, you hid my family's legacy from me ever since I was a child. I was never angry at you because I saw you as you always were, a jealous woman that would never amount to anything more than being a housewife, while I knew that even without my magic, I would rise far above you."

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Book&Literature · athass_prkr

1 months ago
Replied to Arachnid_666

Nah I was talking about the default thing. I to recheck index just to be sure of I missed some aux chapters or not.

1 months ago
Replied to xXLe0ffXx

Neville parents had damaged nerves too.

You have been under a prolonged duration of Cruciatus Curse which has caused severe damage to your nervous system and your nerves have been corroded by the dark magic of the Cruciatus Curse.

HP: The Arcane Thief

HP: The Arcane Thief

Anime & Comics · Snollygoster

1 months ago
Replied to hakansy

free will is myth anyway

'Have I really lost it after that torture?'

HP: The Arcane Thief

HP: The Arcane Thief

Anime & Comics · Snollygoster

1 months ago
Replied to Arachnid_666

mfking wn makes you start from chapter 1 skipping the aux chapters when you click 'read now'.

1 months ago

Finally some real london shit


He found a knife was stabbed right through his crotch. The grown-ass man shrieked like a woman and fell to his knees in pain.

HP: The Arcane Thief

HP: The Arcane Thief

Anime & Comics · Snollygoster

1 months ago
Replied to Skramsa

It's not wild west fam but england of 90s.


'He should glance towards his flying purse, and then he would either run after me, or the pouch, or pull out a knife, or even a gun. I should at least have 2 seconds to run in all cases,'

HP: The Arcane Thief

HP: The Arcane Thief

Anime & Comics · Snollygoster

2 months ago
Replied to BrabbitX

TF you meant by that dude. If the og had relationship b/w children, the shit you spouted might have meant something. But even the og didn't had relationship b/w children, the only hint of kiss we got was after yule(wasn't confirmed) which was when the cast was 15 while the people involved Hermione was 16(since she is nearly a year older than Harry) and crum was 17-18.The relationships were only introduced after 5th years when all of em were 16-17 years old. Even jk wasn't scumy enough to introduce sex and relationship between pre teens. So I don't know where you got the idea that if the story has kids as main cast then it's okay to introduce those things between them.