"These are no small deals. You'll be receiving a lot of money just for promoting these brands." She slid some documents across the table. "Mercury, for example... You're the lotto winner. The Grand Aquarium of Celluva wants you as their spokesperson. They're offering you 800 dyns weekly, just for appearing in a few ads and making a visit to their facility."
Fantasy · Yalatola
God complex 🤣
- God Rank
Fantasy · Mysticscaler
The moment Eratz stepped into the arena, the cheers of the public were deafening.
Fantasy · Yalatola
The screen displayed the image of a young girl with an ice bird perched gracefully on her shoulder, stood tall, waving at the spectators, barely sparing a glance at her opponent.
Fantasy · Yalatola
The first battle featured a tamer with a towering creature, a beast resembling a large armored crab, its shell gleaming like steel. Its opponent, a lithe woman, commanded a large feline beast with electric yellow fur.
Fantasy · Yalatola
Eratz stared down at the creature resting comfortably in his arms. Its small body hummed with a faint glow.
Fantasy · Yalatola
Ryan frowned when he saw Lilian moving a fallen wall and then repaired a destroyed cart with her bare hands. She didn't look like it, but she was absurdly strong and perhaps an airhead since she filled that, and several other carts with food, and those would make a lot of noise.
Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99
Both of you will be individual entities, but at the same time, you´ll fuse together!
Urban · HideousGrain
Suddenly, the hobgoblin had a crazy idea. He rubbed his sword against his body and drenched the blade with gasoline and fire. It was clear what he wanted to do… the hobgoblin wanted barbecue, and Ryan would be the main dish.
Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99
Flames erupted from its jaws, a torrent of fire hot and intense. The firestorm swept through the cave, filling every corner, consuming everything in its path.
Dominion of The Beast Masters
Fantasy · Yalatola