susan bones or daphne greengrass
this is one of the better dxd stories i have read it isnt a carbon copy of all the others.
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you could try either a transformers one because there are barely any of thoses you could try to do a diffrent spin on more common fan fics like twiligth or percy jackson maybe make the charecter child of hestia or somthing like that, you could also try a fan fic of star wars or even a fan fic of the Alex Rider series or somthing similar
the title of the story has little to no connection to the actual story, the story seems to be a cultivation story where as the title portrays it as a story about a lone assassin with a system giving him targets
good book diffrent from all the other percy jackson fan fiction i have resd keep it up
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theses were good books loved them write more
THE FUNNIEST BOOK I HAVE READ IN A LONG TIME (but in order to understand you should watch the film)
this is a good book please continue to update it.
yes this is an angle i havent read yet and probably worth exploring.
yh continue
Uzumaki Vampire
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