Gabriel: *Press X for Doubt*
Others · General_Paragon
restaurar meu clan e matar um certo alguem
Shaking his arms, Nejire looked up at the Uchiha curiously with those big eyes of hers and asked "Madara, you've never really told us this before, but what are your goals and dreams? Do you have any? Anything you want to accomplish in the future?"
Anime & Comics · MyStomachHurts
ug, sentimentalismo
At that point Jason was already crying, his heart felt extremely warm as he listened to the note, if what he said was true then he had never been abandoned. Maybe he didn't show it but the only regret he had from his past life was not knowing his parents. He didn't know about his father but from what the note said his mother was at least a superior being, he was anticipating the moment to meet her and ask her all the doubts he had.
Anime & Comics · GreatSage_Master1
I read the untranslated story, and I can say that it wasn't a waste of time, although certain aspects of the story lack logic, the story as a whole is fun and has a certain charm. In fact, my opinion is somewhat influenced by this story reminding me of the games I played with my brothers and cousins, along with a web series in which the protagonist was a otsutsuki in Minecraft that I watched when I was younger, in short, this novel reminds me of my childhood and how I created characters in my mind
Naruto: The Tale of an Otsutsuki
Anime & Comics · GGFanfiction