It is definitely not my idea to have him be a wimp.
—It would be my honor to have the company of a beautiful lady such as yourself.— Naoise said with a small nod of his head. How come it was so easy to play it smoothly? He himself didn't know what came over him, but the confidence he felt surely wasn't his own. At least not before death. Still, he didn't dwell on it for long, quickly walking in the direction of Mondstadt with a silent Eula by his side.
Video Games · GIWriter
Eula is her name, though you already read that lol
Her movements graceful, as if they had been practiced over and over, countless times. In spite of carrying a huge greatsword, so beautiful it could only be wielded by her without being tainted, her movements were similar to those of a dancer, smooth and flowing.
Video Games · GIWriter
I freaking love this.
Her movements graceful, as if they had been practiced over and over, countless times. In spite of carrying a huge greatsword, so beautiful it could only be wielded by her without being tainted, her movements were similar to those of a dancer, smooth and flowing.
Video Games · GIWriter
Thanks for the support!
Got plans already, don't worry.
Sorry for how I will answer your comment but: The comment: No capital letter, "its seems", no punctuation (not even a comma), and collage. Also the comment: "hopefully the grammar is also up to par"
Thanks man! Good to see someone say that and thanks for the support
I understand what you mean, I've been thinking for a while on the plot I wanted to write, hence the total lack of updates. Now I am going to change a few things, but no need to worry.
Ce paragraphe a été supprimé.
Video Games · GIWriter
Depends on the style of the story. Books tend to use — this dash in dialogues.
—"Is she alright."— = Thoughts
Video Games · GIWriter
That is basically what it is, but instead of yellow, it's white.
Suddenly, a white-ish aura surrounded Naoise. A milisecond later, he had disappeared from his place and was already dealing the dragon a blow on its back. Suddenly, there were at least ten Naoises hitting Stormterror. Just how fast was he? How strong was he really? And in spite of having these thoughts, the one thing I felt towards him was envy. Because he had just arrived and he would already be considered a Hero of Mondstadt, whereas I had been working for countless years towards being accepted –unsuccessfully.
A Light User in Teyvat
Video Games · GIWriter