The typical Shounen protagonist power, huh?
→Heart Crying Echoing (A+)
Anime & Comics · DogLickerGods
I was tired when I made this, thought it was 50 metres when I did the maths. Somebody actually doing the math to point this out helps, well I don't care now. I would care if this was earlier, like when it first came out, but going back and making people re read things for one small detail isn't my forte. Well unless that chapter was recent.
My training plan was simple, 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats and running from one wall to the other in my room, 50 times, which would be 10KM, so Saitama's training method, though of course, this training in real life would not make you super strong, and is actually a basic workout routine for those with above average physiques.
Anime & Comics · Nepge
→Heart Crying Echoing (A+)
Anime & Comics · DogLickerGods
My thoughts exactly.
Purely mathematically, if my strength was a 1000 on a scale from 1 to 1000 before entering this universe, it was suppressed to a 10 in this universe. However, this universe wasn't using a scale from 1 to 1000, but it was mapping the scale of 1 to 1000 to a scale of 0.01 to 10, while using the same amount of energy.
Anime & Comics · Draugzel
Oh my god, I just realised my own title was a bloody pun, you know what, that wasn't intentional, but, I wish it was.
I mean the easiest way is to go through the Super Saiyan Grades, and then master it, after experiencing the other states it might be easier. And there's another thing, one most don't realise. Super Saiyan is not actually a 50x multiplier, that's for grade 1, not grade 4 or Mastered Super Saiyan. Essentially Mastered Super Saiyan is getting the most out of the Super Saiyan form with efficient usage of it. This is also seen in the Manga of Super with Perfected Super Saiyan Blue. Essentially by mastering the form a user can significantly increase the power and efficiency of a form. In Z this was mentioned briefly, so briefly in fact that Grade 4 is mistaken for being as strong as Grade 1 is. How strong Mastered Super Saiyan is can be somewhere between 100x - 500x based on research. Anything higher than 500 is from untrustworthy sources and anything below 100 doesn't make sense due to the strength of the Mastered form needing to be at least 2x as strong as Grade 1 is. Here's how I personally characterise the Grades based on Evidence, and to note I'll throw in SSJ2 and 3. Grade 1 = 50x Grade 2 = 75X, Grade 3 = 100, Mastered = 150X, SSJ2 = 300X, SSJ3 = 1200X.
Achieving something that this freak couldn't do was just too far away. With SSJ 2, 3, and possibly 4, I had some easily accessible transformations. I would have to master them one by one before I could consider mastering Super Saiyan to the degree that I didn't need the other transformations. Who knew? Maybe I would achieve godhood before learning SSJ 2 & 3.
Anime & Comics · Draugzel
They basically rape men then kill them. That's legit how it goes. Or at least from what I remember.
"A rogue Amazonian spreading a virus in order to kill off the world's male population. We almost didn't make it." He summarized the entire event and I could see why the focus shifted towards something immediate. How could they have time to prepare for an invasion when half the human population was incapacitated?
Anime & Comics · Draugzel
Can somebody help me learn what this one is? I don't know where it comes from.
→Heart Crying Echoing (A+)
Anime & Comics · DogLickerGods
Anti Magic.
Steve smiled. He grabbed the black sword on his hip and unsheathed it. He had the blessing of Layla and a weapon that could seal away magic and divinity. "Now… Now I think I'm going to win." He said.
The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)
Movies · StarWaves