Webnovel Author: kuiru - Novel Collection



male LV 4
2021-06-25 Joint United States

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Replied to UthredofBebbanburg

this is the only rigth anserw

Your axe is also such an artifact and an extremely powerful one at that. You should give it a name. And it is possible that a consciousness might even awaken within it, although the chances of that are rather slim. (Feel free to help me with a name for the axe in the comments.)

LOTR: I'm an Orc

LOTR: I'm an Orc

Movies · Geisterlos

Replied to Sir_Squirrel

yeah, but who walked away and who didnt

"Don't get cocky, kid. You're really fucking fast. But fast ain't gonna cut it on these streets. Sure, pure speed or power will carry you for a while. But what happens when you meet someone as fast or strong as you? But they have the skill, and the experience to leverage it?"

Built different [Cyberpunk Fanfic]

Built different [Cyberpunk Fanfic]

Video Games · titytechnician


in canon it was laenor, rhaenys being the pretender was a show thing

"The Sea Snake and the Princess Rhaenys claim that their son, Laenor, has a stronger claim than Viserys. Lord Corlys has called for his banners, he believes he can intimidate the Dragon."

Jaehaeron Taegaryen - The Northern Dragon

Jaehaeron Taegaryen - The Northern Dragon

TV · MonsieurLAH



"Sixty nine meters, sir." I replied after getting through the initial shock of my name being called.

MHA: The Warping Hero

MHA: The Warping Hero

Anime & Comics · TeemVizzle


ulf rigth now.


A brief silence hung in the air, pregnant with anticipation. Then, an older man with silver hair and piercing purple eyes spoke up. "That's a good idea, Ulf. Now let us conclude this matter and attend the Melee," he declared, his gaze lingering upon me.

The White Knight[Asoiaf Si]

The White Knight[Asoiaf Si]

Book&Literature · Last_Quincy


the best warhammer 40k fic, hopefully it will continue

ch 178 Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 180: Extinction Protocol

Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

Book&Literature · Almighty_flex


the best warhammer 40k fic, hopefully it will continue

ch 178 Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 180: Extinction Protocol

Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

Book&Literature · Almighty_flex

Replied to Adiavts

pero este ya no es solo el, es otra persona reencarnada también

  Guilliman frowned, he recognized the symbol mark on the remaining power armor on the opponent's body, the World Eaters Chapter.

Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

Book&Literature · Almighty_flex

Replied to HumptyDumptyDatAss

bro its a kid

Zephyr on the other hand was quite impressed. A feint wasn't something he was expecting and the force behind it was quite decent. Markus easily had the power to overpower a grown man with no former training with that kind of punch.

One piece: The Fist of Justice

One piece: The Fist of Justice

Anime & Comics · TrapcardD

Replied to Advidreader50


"Well Kazu has always been this way, the only time he ever cried was when he was born, he learned how to walk at 4 and 1/2 months old and speak at 6, he's quite the genius"

Naruto: Story of a Kumo ninja

Naruto: Story of a Kumo ninja

Anime & Comics · Kylino

Replied to Knight7863


Ce livre a été supprimé.
Replied to blue_kirk

creo que hubo algun tipo de time skip

He looked down at Powder who was sleeping on his chest and her legs on his. He sighed, not knowing what to do... It's getting harder and harder for me to resist her.

League of Legends: My Journey in Runeterra! (Editing)

League of Legends: My Journey in Runeterra! (Editing)

Video Games · Killer_Slut

Replied to LuigifromFBI

Si pero en tiempos medievales Solo los mas ricos podian acceder a las armaduras y supongo que el hecho de que esten en un galeon hace a los Stark confiarse en que el barco no se va a Hundir y caerse de un barco de ese tamaño es difícil, Mientras solo usen armadura en ese barco tiene sentido para mi

There were almost fifty longships. The captain gave signal to the other two parts of Manderly fleet which were at a distance. They wore their armour. Soon the ironborns came near them and the fight started. As the deck of the Marauder was quite high for the ironborn, they were finding it difficult to board the ship. The northern soldiers were raining death from above. The scorpions were firing at the ironborn longships. As the northmen wore heavy armour compared to the leather armour of the ironborn, the krakens were facing heavy casualties. But after some time the ironborn overcame the defence and they started to board the Marauder. Aryan unsheathed his two katanas and joined the battle. Due to his enhanced body he was easily able to weave through their attacks and kill them. Cutting and slashing through them the world seemed to be in slow motion. He could see his uncle Benjen at the bow engaged in his own battles. Suddenly he heard a man roaring and turned. The man had a beard and long hair with Kraken sigil on his chest and better armour compared to the other soldiers. He easily killed few northemen as he came. Then he turned his attention to Aryan and started to come near him grinning like a maniac.

Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms

Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms

Book&Literature · ElderKwon

Replied to rabbit_kun

Es algo de los libros, Varys quiere poner a un supuesto blackfyre en el poder y ese es su motivo en los libros basicamente

But now a new player has entered the game, an unpredictable one and he felt a slight fear for the first time but suppressed it. He would do what he always did - Wait and Watch. The Black Dragons would prevail in the end.

Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms

Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms

Book&Literature · ElderKwon

Replied to galks

Que volaaa, Lo dices de broma o de verdad crees lo de raza inferior ?

a young handsome boy with a dark tanned skin paired with a black well combed short hair that has a bright light emerald colored eyes with a mascular child body is quickly running downstairs shouting early in the morning with excitement and happiness. "it's finally time, it's finally time I can choose my egg to be my familiar and my ring of inheritance. Mom! Dad! let's go, let's go!"

Harry Potter A New Story

Harry Potter A New Story

Book&Literature · predicate

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