Webnovel Author: Kandpalbhaskar010 - Novel Collection



male LV 4

Hey guys, this is kandpalbhaskar010. My hobby is listening to music, reading books, and of course online web novels.

2021-06-16 Joint Global

Badges 10

Moments 912

Replied to Xandy5

We will see about that dear...

ch 539 Furious Adrian; Frightened Everyone...

Dawn Of The Freak

Dawn Of The Freak

LGBT+ · Kandpalbhaskar010

Replied to MsFrothyDreamer

He took everything from him, but pffftttttt......


Dawn Of The Freak

Dawn Of The Freak

LGBT+ · Kandpalbhaskar010

Replied to MsFrothyDreamer

That's freaking amount of number...

"What?! Calm my anger down! 56,781 vampires! Fifty six fucking thousand vampires died, and you want me to calm my anger down!"

Dawn Of The Freak

Dawn Of The Freak

LGBT+ · Kandpalbhaskar010

Replied to MsFrothyDreamer

Yet it still works..... everyone's pitiful life... sigh...

If Adrian heard her, he truly must've cursed her ' Like hell she is! She just has one weapon, and that is her tears. Every time she pulls her emotional card out. Everyone in his family runs far away in hiding. Even when they know that she is merely acting. They still can't do anything about it. It's just too damn depressing.'

Dawn Of The Freak

Dawn Of The Freak

LGBT+ · Kandpalbhaskar010

Replied to MsFrothyDreamer

My cutie pie...

Adrian was happy with all the attention he was getting from all of his subordinates, as he smugly spoke "I know I look handsome and I know you all want to click my photos, but first thing first, autographs and photos, you can take them later."

Dawn Of The Freak

Dawn Of The Freak

LGBT+ · Kandpalbhaskar010

Replied to MsFrothyDreamer

The entire world is same as you....

"On your birthday, happy! You can fuck me when your birthday will come. I want to gift my ass to you on your upcoming birthday!! So, just wait till then, after that, you can fuck me all you want, but before that, don't even think about touching my ass, humph." Adrian yelled again when he saw Elijah's disbelieving expression. 

Dawn Of The Freak

Dawn Of The Freak

LGBT+ · Kandpalbhaskar010

Replied to MsFrothyDreamer


Alex who was now scared shitless yelled in fear "He is sniffing your underwear."

Dawn Of The Freak

Dawn Of The Freak

LGBT+ · Kandpalbhaskar010

Replied to MsFrothyDreamer

I know right..

Elijah is one of the angriest man Adrian has ever seen. He sometimes can't even control his anger, many people have died from his hand's just because he was angry.

Dawn Of The Freak

Dawn Of The Freak

LGBT+ · Kandpalbhaskar010

Replied to MsFrothyDreamer

Good, that is exactly the kind of reaction I wanted from you...

Elijah and Alex just looked at the contract which burnt without anyone doing anything, both of their mouths were fully open, how the hell did this contract got burned, is there a ghost here or something.

Dawn Of The Freak

Dawn Of The Freak

LGBT+ · Kandpalbhaskar010

Replied to MsFrothyDreamer

Yup, deep to the soul...

Elijah looked at Adrian who was now staring at him with innocent eyes, his eyes were clearly saying 'What is wrong with this? Everything is correct, I myself have written this contract, so how the hell can it be wrong? Tell him this El, I believe in you.'

Dawn Of The Freak

Dawn Of The Freak

LGBT+ · Kandpalbhaskar010

Replied to MsFrothyDreamer

And that's my dear how this story works....

Elijah just hugged Adrian until his emotions calm down and spoke "You are drunk so stop spouting nonsense."

Dawn Of The Freak

Dawn Of The Freak

LGBT+ · Kandpalbhaskar010

Replied to MsFrothyDreamer

Literally and fugitively...

Teacher Elias glared at Adrian, and Adrian, who knew he was in deep shit, spoke pitifully, taking full advantage of his acting skills " Teacher, but you were the one who told me to get out of the class, so I did."

Dawn Of The Freak

Dawn Of The Freak

LGBT+ · Kandpalbhaskar010

Replied to MsFrothyDreamer

With 28 more students...

Teacher Elias rubbed his temple, trying to control his emotions, and spoke in a gentle voice, "Adrian, kiddo, get out of the class before I lost my mind and throw you out of the window."

Dawn Of The Freak

Dawn Of The Freak

LGBT+ · Kandpalbhaskar010

Replied to MsFrothyDreamer

I know right, but its fun...

"Especially your baldy head which is shining like a sun in the sky, your beautiful eyes which are piercing the whole class and making it shine, your brown lips which look so damn." Pause "let's forget about your lips for now, all and all, you are looking so handsome today."

Dawn Of The Freak

Dawn Of The Freak

LGBT+ · Kandpalbhaskar010

Replied to MsFrothyDreamer


"The sky, the sun, the class, even this damn ass faced Colton is looking a little bit handsome..... just a little bit though."

Dawn Of The Freak

Dawn Of The Freak

LGBT+ · Kandpalbhaskar010

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