Webnovel Author: Lucarian - Fanfic&Novel Collection



male LV 15
2021-06-14 Joint United States

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Moments 31


absolutely not. terrible idea. this is how he is supposed to be. it makes sense that way

A/N: Honestly… should I rewrite this story? I would definitely restart where his mother died and instead of going out early he would try until he's 12 or something. 

Percy Jackson: Son of Hades - Prince of the Underworld

Percy Jackson: Son of Hades - Prince of the Underworld

Book&Literature · Shadow_D_Monarch3


Man, this guy is literally born exactly 6 years before me. Mans will definitely have a difficult life, being a cancer and all.😅

Secondly, because of the changes that I requested and the new mother, I was born on July 7, 1994, and Gwen, as expected, was born in December of 1994. Although in the original, Ben and Gwen were born on the same day, in 2000.

Alexander Benjamin Tennyson (Ben 10 Fanfic)

Alexander Benjamin Tennyson (Ben 10 Fanfic)

TV · Zeckyll11


Isn't that too big? Haha, that's what she said lol

"I know we could have so much fun in there but isn't that too big?" Nemuri was the next.

The Epic of Leviathan

The Epic of Leviathan

Anime & Comics · InGlorious



All for One was even gaping at what he just heard and saw {What is this Harry Potter teachings these kids? No mercy? Just what kind of hero teaches this kind of thing to his students!?".

Harry's New Game Plus

Harry's New Game Plus

Book&Literature · Kurogano

Replied to DaoOfNoFucks

That would also require him to know where their bodies are too, as Edo Tensei requires a body, no matter the condition it is in, to do the ritual jutsu.

Everyone watched the King of hell grin and then vanished, Harry just shrugged at Tony's question "It's just one of the the many abilities I have gained over the years, in fact, everyone in my group knows a spell or two that could bring someone back to life though they have some limitations to those spells, I myself am the only one who can bring anyone back no matter how long they have been dead nor what condition the body is, honestly you shouldn't be this surprise about this, I mean you just saw me create a body for Hope, how's that any different?".

Harry's New Game Plus

Harry's New Game Plus

Book&Literature · Kurogano

Replied to _Dont_miNd_mE_

Yeah, 100% without a doubt he definitely. Can't say I exactly blame him as both of them, were very good. Definitely top tier classics if I do say so myself.

Initially, they only encountered a few scattered hardened types, but later, they were met with endless hordes of zombies and higher evolved types: bloated ones that exploded, jumpers that could leap great distances, binders with tongues that could extend over ten meters, and corrosives that spat green acid...

Apocalypse - Infinite Plunder

Apocalypse - Infinite Plunder

Sci-fi · bomer_allen

Replied to FANATIC

Or ineffective

Nothing worked, there was no point shooting bullets because it just got sent back at them. Missiles and all weapons they had available at the base were effective, not even the blasters. 



Anime & Comics · Maverick_DaSupreme

Replied to Demon_Kuruma

Nah man, you ain't the only one. Literally just got the joke, and it had me cracked up. All he needs is the skull, and he's all set.

"Gentlemen, this man right here is known as Ghost. He's going to be overseeing this operation and I want you all to listen to his every instruction. So just listen to what he has to say right now. it would be in your favor to pay attention to him as he briefs us, that's if you want this operation to be smooth sailing for us." Every man who was standing there suddenly turned to Tom, as they gave him their undivided attention. 



Anime & Comics · Maverick_DaSupreme

Replied to Alex_Simmonds

I may not be Australian, but I have a few friends who know or are Aussie. One of them happens to be dating an Aussie woman. You tend to pick up a few things over time. Like brekky for example. Or at least I think that's how it's spelled.

I looked up at Oceana's face only to see a shit-eating grin stretch across it. (Shit-eating grin is an Australian Colloquialism that means 'Gigantic sarcastic grin' or something very close to it.)

Reality Bender System, Marvel

Reality Bender System, Marvel

Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds


No s*** Sherlock 😂

I looked up at Oceana's face only to see a shit-eating grin stretch across it. (Shit-eating grin is an Australian Colloquialism that means 'Gigantic sarcastic grin' or something very close to it.)

Reality Bender System, Marvel

Reality Bender System, Marvel

Anime & Comics · Alex_Simmonds


You know, it feels weird that no one is mentioning the obvious thing here. The name is all wrong. Hercules is the name the Romans changed his name to. In Greek mythology his name is actually Heracles. Sorry guys, just random ranting. It's a common mistake I've seen countless people do. You aren't the first and definitely won't be the last. It's just... annoying to see, plus it makes me feel like I'm being Captain Obvious here.

Allen still couldn't explain how Hercules ended up in this level of degeneration... no, he knew. His gaze went to Ares, the god of war, who felt his scalp prickle under Allen's six eyes. It was all Ares's fault; he manipulated Hercules and led him to this, although in the end, it was Hercules who chose this path.

I Stream DC on Marvel

I Stream DC on Marvel

Anime & Comics · Mr_Aizen



A smile appeared on Isaiah's face and he also completely lost his breath ...

Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Anime & Comics · DarkShadow95

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