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2021-05-16 Joint Global

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A light knock was heard on my study door. Seras rarely came to see me while I was working, but it was always a treat when she did. She came in carrying a portrait many times her size. How she was able to lift it and bring it to me was a puzzle in its own right. If I asked her, she would cheekily reply with magic. Though secrets are dangerous, if it allows for a better relationship with a future alchemical and potions genius, I would allow it. Seras set the canvas up and said that she had a new idea for entertainment and to get more people shopping on Diagon Alley. She stated that there is a distinct lack of children's entertainment in the wizarding world and talked me through her entire plan. After she had gone through her entire plan and the ideas behind it, I was sold. I was about to tell her we could start the preliminary creation of characters and artifacts behind them when she began to count down. It was then that the creatures she just described played through a scenario about a strange leaf that the weird monkey had found. He brought it to his friends, and some jokes that would probably make a child laugh were told. It then ended with Merlin the wizard character telling me some morals about trying to explore. After the show ended, I knew we had money on our hands. The weaker houses constantly expunged moral ideas, and here was a way for us to profit off of it and make ourselves stronger. I told Seras that we were a go. She said that she could have the remaining portraits done in a few days. I told her that I would speak with Flourish and Blotts about putting the show in front of their store, and we would start the show once children got out of school. Seras was truly a blessing to the Malfoy family. Before the age of two, she had come up with a way to manipulate the minds of her peers. She would be the greatest dark lord yet.

A Skeptical Slytherins Revolution

A Skeptical Slytherins Revolution

Book&Literature · Joebiden_Biden



I had been ordering materials recently to allow myself to continue practicing my runes and circuits. I had been able to figure out how to make a number counter and, using a time rune, had been able to build a pseudo-digital clock. The problem was learning to create some form of digital display, which would take a lot longer. I also ordered much more paint and the materials needed to start making portrait-based artifacts. I even bought the most up-to-date how-to book on the subject. I had a novel idea for entertainment in this world, and it may be the first step in making millions.

A Skeptical Slytherins Revolution

A Skeptical Slytherins Revolution

Book&Literature · Joebiden_Biden




I had been blessed with geniuses; there was no doubt about it. Draco was a prodigy, far ahead of the stories I had heard from others in the ministry. Snape had been in charge of the births for many of the children and was a trusted opinion from those who were not friends of St. Mungo's. He stated that Draco, at his first birthday, had far outclassed his peers in the amount of magic he possesses. I am more than willing to brag about how he was able to walk and say his first word at such a young age or that he has already experienced his first magical riot. My daughter was much harder to talk about. There is a difference between prodigy and whatever word you use to describe my daughter. Her feats were quite monstrous; Snape believes her first magical riot had come while she was in the womb, which is why the birth was so taxing for Narcissa. Her physical body is apparently as strong as a child of six or seven years despite being only one and a quarter years old, and her magical amount more comparable to a seven or eight-year-old. She consumes a large number of calories, which all seem to be burned creating a more powerful Malfoy. Seras is also wildly intelligent for her age. She is already able to speak and read; she even seems to have a love for studying difficult subjects like ancient runes. How much she actually learns from the books is unknown to me, but she seems to take notes as she goes. She very rarely just sits and plays like her brother. All of this doesn't even mention her eyes. If she can truly see magic, and it seems like she can, she will be the most eligible bachelorette of all time. A family could be able to lord the ability to see magic over all the others for all time. Part of me hopes she is barren or interested in women when the time comes. She may be a Malfoy, but her kids three generations down won't be.

A Skeptical Slytherins Revolution

A Skeptical Slytherins Revolution

Book&Literature · Joebiden_Biden



The final section of the library was black magic, ritual magic, and everything else illegal in wizarding society. The only way to enter was through a complex process that only my father and mother were aware of. If asked by any of the magical law enforcement, I would simply say there is no third section. The thing about black magic is that it apparently corrupts the soul and is incredibly dangerous for both the user and the people it is used against. The weird part to me is that it is possible to kill another wizard with any number of minor charms that wouldn't have the same corruptive effects. I have no understanding of ritual magic yet, but as long as it doesn't require human sacrifices, I may try to attempt something related, but that is a pipe dream. I might be open to human sacrifice if it was a convicted murderer; I think this family is changing the way that I think.

A Skeptical Slytherins Revolution

A Skeptical Slytherins Revolution

Book&Literature · Joebiden_Biden



"The pleasure was all mine, Daphne," he replied, his usual formality cracking a little. He surprised himself by reaching out and gently tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

From Hitman to Hogwarts

From Hitman to Hogwarts

Movies · MbthehunterN7



The host has nothing worth praising besides good looks, utterly useless, a waste of magic power, and a complete weakling. The system is curious to see how long the host can survive in this story…

Hogwarts Emerald

Hogwarts Emerald

Book&Literature · Dragonel23




It looks a lot like Marauder's map, but I couldn't think of anything better, I started writing my options to earn money.

Reincarnated as Luna Lovegood

Reincarnated as Luna Lovegood

Book&Literature · Ana_Vazquez_0521


Yes the black Sisters for Members

Ce livre a été supprimé.


Thomas couldn't help but meet her eyes with a resigned air, sighing. "Just tired is all." A raven sat on his left shoulder, pearly black eyes blinking as it, too, stared at Helen.

HP: Bloody Thorns

HP: Bloody Thorns

Book&Literature · DiscountChangeling



(who should the love interest be I honestly can't think of someone)

Reincarnated As A Not So Useless Sakura

Reincarnated As A Not So Useless Sakura

Anime & Comics · 2_Spoons


here you go


Sorry that's a lie, I wrote it because I want head pats and compliments.

The Vampire Queen is Bored

The Vampire Queen is Bored

Book&Literature · Holo_Lover



'Cuddles are justice, bite me.'

HP: Eagle Soars

HP: Eagle Soars

Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH

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