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In 1916 these lands are still owned by Austria, but Italy still claims them as their own. Relinquishing their claims over them is more or less a symbolic gesture rather than a power grab or annexation. Meaning that Italy refuses to contest them in the future and has recognized the Habsburgs and Austria as their rightful owners.
As for the others who currently live in these places. Italy has already agreed to relinquish their claims over Austrian lands, and they can be persuaded to accept the remaining Italian speaking peoples of those regions as refugees from the wars that are to come.
War · Zentmeister
And yet we would die for one another... Weird how that is...
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No, American. I have said it multiple times. I was born and raised in America to parents who are descended from German immigrants on both sides that came over after WW2. So I'm like 3rd generation German-American. Maybe 4th...
And as the German Marine Corps underwent its first deployment, some 45,000 German naval infantry were sent to Africa to gain some combat experience before the planned invasion of the British Isles was actually considered feasible.
War · Zentmeister
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Re: Blood and Iron
War · Zentmeister