

male LV 3
2021-04-24 Joint Global
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1 days ago
Replied to Bell_2632

auto correct decided to intervene

It's been a hundred years since the battle with the Black Chains, and William's injury has now fully healed, thanks to his time spent in his Dimension.

Cosmic Ruler

Cosmic Ruler

Fantasy · Enigmatic_Dream

5 days ago
Replied to Davidham_

, 2 or 3 three times, well the reasons were obvious

Myne continued healing him, her energy weaving through his body as she mended his physical wounds, but the damage to his soul would take far longer. Even Nexus had mentioned that Aiden's recovery would require not just time, but a deep connection with powerful soul-repairing resources.

Cosmic Ruler

Cosmic Ruler

Fantasy · Enigmatic_Dream

5 days ago
Replied to infamous96

typo mistake

"It worked," Ash mumbled. Earlier, when he used Akashic Insight on the Dread Wolves, he noticed a particular talent called Dread Collection. What it does is basically collect all the grudges from other wolves and pass it to the Alpha wolf or leader.

Cosmic Ruler

Cosmic Ruler

Fantasy · Enigmatic_Dream

8 days ago
Replied to RagingMutant

nahh, I don't like those shits too,

11 days ago
Replied to Ryofu

Harem but not big one just Three

13 days ago
Replied to Strongest_Bongo

my bad

Felicia glared at me, as she felt her lower half aching after intense exercise but suddenly her eyes were drawn to Ash's Hands.

Super Multiversal System

Super Multiversal System

Anime & Comics · Enigmatic_Dream

13 days ago
Replied to Venerble_Existence

There are different kinds of doctors but yeah its my fault I should have specified it he was an neuro surgeon

After fusing all the knowledge about martial arts, I took it a step further. I gathered every piece of information related to the human body—anatomy, physiology, pressure points—anything that would help me deliver the most lethal strikes. With Super Fusion, I integrated it all. Now, I knew exactly where to hit for maximum damage. It was like having a perfect blueprint for destruction stored in my mind.

Super Multiversal System

Super Multiversal System

Anime & Comics · Enigmatic_Dream

13 days ago
Replied to aaaninja

Thank you

15 days ago
Replied to Zyanid_Warfare

it was just his imagination for a moment

Rachel now felt he is weak and had lost interest in Leon.

World Hopping-Easy Mode

World Hopping-Easy Mode

Anime & Comics · Enigmatic_Dream

18 days ago

No doubt Sherlock

Just as he was celebrating, the whole dungeon started shaking crazily as if it was about to collapse. He noticed a crack forming on the dungeon core's surface as if it was about to shattered. Had he caused this somehow?

Reincarnated With Three Unique Skills

Reincarnated With Three Unique Skills

Fantasy · Elias_Nightwalker

  • Super Multiversal System original

    Super Multiversal System


    Récemment mis à jour

    Ever wondered what will you do when you will get a chance of your life? No? Yes? Well, I am living the same said chance, come and watch me My name is Ash Ryder and this is my story. The Story of me traveling from one world to another as I witness lots of stuff that both send me to heaven and sometime make me feel like I am living inside a creepy nightmare. **** Main world is Marvel First traveling world...find yourself *** I don't owe any characters aside from my own Mc,

    14 Chs 276 Collections

  • Cosmic Ruler original

    Cosmic Ruler


    4.75 Récemment mis à jour

    Amidst an ordinary stroll home, Jake is struck on the head by a mysterious object, plunging him into unconsciousness. When he opens his eyes, the world has transformed. Now, reborn into a newborn in a magical realm, Jake grapples with the surreal fusion of past and present. Navigating the challenges of infancy, he discovers latent magical abilities tied to this extraordinary reincarnation. As the threads of his former life intertwine with his newfound existence, Jake must unravel the mysteries of his past to fulfill a destiny that spans realms and confront the enchanting and perilous journey that awaits him. ############################### What to expect 1. Cool headed Mc 2. Unique power 3. Level up system 4. Harem 5. Self interest Mc (Not hero or Villain) A. I. Generated cover -------------------------------------------- Bonus chapters Goals :- 10 Golden Ticket = 1 Bonus Chapter Gift above Dragon = 1 bonus Cahpter

    280 Chs 2k Collections

  • World Hopping-Easy Mode original

    World Hopping-Easy Mode


    A single terrorists, took over a building and wanted to make it explode to hurt many people. But a brave 20-year-old guy did something really brave. He hugged the person who was going to make the building explode. Then, he jumped out of the building, saving others but losing his own life. His bravery stopped the horrific plan and saved many people. Even though he is not here anymore, people will always remember him as someone really brave who cared about others. Jake's Pov As I stood there, the weight of the decision pressed heavily on my mind. The world around me blurred, and the muffled sounds of chaos filled the air. Deep down, I knew that I had a choice to make – a choice between dying alone or dying with everyone. My heart raced, and a whirlwind of thoughts flooded my mind. Fear clawed at me, urging me to run away, to escape the impending danger. But then, amidst the chaos, I saw the faces of those innocent people – the families, the children, the ones who had no part in this madness. 'Well, not like there is any other option' I sighed as this guy literally blocked all exits, save for the emergency window. A profound sense of responsibility and empathy welled up within me. I couldn't stand by and watch as their lives were threatened. A surge of courage ignited within, challenging the fear that held me back. "What if I don't make it?" I wondered. The unknown loomed before me, but the thought of not trying to save them felt even worse. ' Even if I were to die, atleast I died while trying' In that moment, a simple truth crystallized in my mind – the value of human life and the importance of standing up for what is right. The decision was made. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't at least try to make a difference. With a deep breath, I steeled myself for what lay ahead. The path of sacrifice stretched before me, but in that instant, I embraced it. I chose to be the shield that stood between the innocent and harm, knowing that the price might be high, but the purpose was greater. "What are you doing??" The terrorist yelled but I tackled him, fortunately the floor window was big enough, I tried to push him out but he suddenly grabbed me, leaving me no choice, I-I choose to jump with him. Arghhhhhhhhhh He shouts too loudly probably, trying to vent out his frustration, " What a Idiot am I.." Booooommmmm -------------------------------------------------------------- Covers not mine, from google

    81 Chs 1.1k Collections