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2021-04-13 Joint North Korea

Badges 21

Moments 169



"Obviously," he answered with a dry gaze, a gaze that quickly turned to a glare as she cupped both his cheeks with her surprisingly soft hands, squishing his cheeks together. "What are you doing?" He managed to get out as she stared at him intently.

A Journey Unwanted

A Journey Unwanted

Fantasy · PocketCat2


shouldn't he say, 'You are courting death,' or something similar.

("Fractured from just a kick?") Of course, the fractured bone was immediately healed, but his annoyance was still very high. "Committing suicide this early in the morning?" Mikoto flexed his right arm as he extended his palm toward the blonde woman. "And you, damn bitch, I just got done fixing this place." Just as he prepared a spell, someone knocked the woman over her head.

A Journey Unwanted

A Journey Unwanted

Fantasy · PocketCat2


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

ch 84 Chapter 82: The power of one dipped in divinity

A Journey Unwanted

A Journey Unwanted

Fantasy · PocketCat2


For the blast from an explosion even for a short time to be felt in other countries across the sea, it needs to have a minimum equivalent to a 7.0 magnitude earthquake or approximately 478,220 tons of TNT or 32 times the power of the Hiroshima bomb. I guess the surviving people of verdantis that live near their fight location will be homeless even if their fight is located in the mountain.

As Selwyn landed back on the ground, Mikoto teleported above him once more. With a burst of magical energy, he created an orb of dark energy that coalesced into a sphere before hurtling toward Selwyn with incredible velocity. The orb struck the ground mere inches from Selwyn's feet, unleashing an explosion that rocked the very foundations of the landscape. The blast sent snow flying in all directions, creating a massive crater that stretched for thousands of feet. The force of the blast could most likely be felt all the way to Galadriel.

A Journey Unwanted

A Journey Unwanted

Fantasy · PocketCat2

Replied to Jakaka_Jajaha

I agree with you. I predict atleast their fight will be like a fight between Gojo and Toji

"Well, that Amaury chick I fought wasn't all that difficult; I'm positive I could've killed her," Mikoto murmured thoughtfully. "She seemed to have a trump card, though, but still, I'm sure I could adapt to whatever it is; I'm me, after all." Mikoto smiled as he gazed at the cloudy sky. "If I and that Selwyn were to fight, then I'm positive I could win."

A Journey Unwanted

A Journey Unwanted

Fantasy · PocketCat2


Don't worry Lucinda, you have a secret Little sibling that you can play with later, maybe

"Indeed," Professor Eugene agreed. "Which means once the dragon comes, we must completely eradicate it, in both body and soul. A task Lucinda would be best suited for, and she needs it." Mikoto hummed as he stared at his brethren; she did need this. She probably felt useless; those kids were like little siblings to her, and they practically admired her. She needed something to take her mind off this massacre.

A Journey Unwanted

A Journey Unwanted

Fantasy · PocketCat2


You know, i recognize this kind of paranoia in rl, you know what country what i mean

Some of the War Hawks were considering the scenario of someone truly unifying Westeros under one centralized government and, with some centuries of development, may create a nation that could endanger the supremacy of the Holy Arcadia Empire on a global scale. 

A Song of Blood and Sunlight

A Song of Blood and Sunlight

Book&Literature · Trafford

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