

female LV 14

You either live and die, or you live to die. Me on the otherhand, im wastin my life readin books instead of doin hw

2021-03-24 Joint United States
Badges 13

Moments 37
2 months ago

This peeved me so I looked into it. neither on or is this classisfied as a mental illness, the only place i saw it classified as such was a conservative blog I found after scrolling pretty far. Its more accurate to classify it as a developmental disorder, (ADHD, Autism, cerebral palsy, stuttering, hearing loss, etc.) according to the actual definitions of mental illness and developmental disorders. Many of the afformentioned developmental disorders are untreatable, but have available aids to make them easier to live with. adderal for adhd, hearing aids for the hearing impaired, speech therapy for stuttering. And last but certainly not least, Gender affirming care for gender dysphoria. Many of which have also been historically stigmatized against, and we have been making large leaps in de-stigmatizing them. All this to say, please do your homework before you type something uninformed and look like a stupid bigot online.

She said in confusion "Gender Dysphoria?" Hiro nodded saying "The psychological illness where an individual believes they are truly a different gender from the one their body is. For example: You are a girl, but in that case you would believe yourself to be a boy on the inside. It's very strange and very dangerous."

Monkey in the Multiverse

Monkey in the Multiverse

Anime & Comics · Monkey_Godking

2 months ago
Replied to DonGuirit

They are

The Jedi Players were still Padawans, though the Jedi Master of some of the Players died and they were either practicing on their own or waiting for a new Master.

The Reincarnator's Tavern

The Reincarnator's Tavern

Movies · GnomeBob

3 months ago

This novel sucks. it reads more like cliff notes than an actual story. To expand; Writing quality: 3/5 This is a well translated novel for all the gripes i have with this. There are no major spelling mistakes, grammar is decent and it makes sense to read. however, the interactions between characters leave a lot to be desired. The conversations have no depth, the characters dont seem to think at all. Updating stability: 5/5 i cant comment on this so ill leave it here Story development: 1/5 There is no actual story being told imo. it is threat after threat and how the characters deal with them. The individual mentioned at the beginning seems to have no relevance whatsoever. the pacing is all over the place. if you like fight after fight with no reasoning then this is the story for you. only reason im giving this a 3 is because i like the concept. I dont often see scp fanfics, and this one had a great idea. however… Character Design: 1/5 I would give this 0 if i could the characters are cardboard cutouts compared to their originals. They seem to have no individual thoughts. Everyone is like the same person trying to put on a fake accent, badly. The MC mentioned at the beginning doesnt matter. World background: 4/5 Its a fanfic so i cant say much about this. 8/10 for the picks of the universes.

11 months ago
Replied to William_Litsch

Not surprised he said this, it said he couldnt cook even a simple meal in his past life. So something that is not only edible but tastes good is a great step up.

Jayce accepted the bowl with gratitude before dipping his spoon into the soup, savoring its divine essence. "Whoa, this is actually delicious!" he exclaimed, his pride swelling with each flavorful spoonful.

Chef in the Apocalypse

Chef in the Apocalypse

Fantasy · leeroycgna

1 years ago

what is he talking about

"Hmm, there's no easy answer. Sasuke needs a mix of the right training; he needs to feel that the village benefits him, while also forming the right bonds without pushing him over the edge. This is based on what I know from canon. I joined Orochimaru because I felt I'd gain more power from him than from Konoha. I saw that I was growing much slower than Naruto," Tekku replied, his answer a logical combination of information he had.

Naruto: Superior Shinobi

Naruto: Superior Shinobi

Anime & Comics · QuillArcher

1 years ago
Replied to Dieudonner_17

It is annoying but he has mentioned he remembered the traitor running away as a rat before

Sherlock couldn't help but feel that Black's story held some truth. He recalled from the original story he'd only watched a brief review of that the true traitor had indeed escaped as a rat. Remus Lupin too seemed convinced. He'd grown up with Black, knew him well. It had always been difficult for him to believe Sirius capable of treachery, now his explanation made perfect sense. Yet, Sherlock did not allow himself to fully trust Black's narrative and continued probing. "How did you come to know that Peter is still alive?"

I'm just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, nothing more.

I'm just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, nothing more.

Book&Literature · _Riux

1 years ago

it was a symbolic symbal, sybolisticaly showcasing its symboly symbolism

The symbol consisted of an intricate spiral unfolding from the center outward, representing the constant flow of life and energy. It was a symbolic design, evoking strength and resilience amidst challenges. The curved and smooth lines of the symbol gave a sense of fluidity and harmony, conveying a feeling of calmness and hope.

The Hunger Games: The Orb of Worlds without Limits

The Hunger Games: The Orb of Worlds without Limits

Movies · SrCuervo

1 years ago
Replied to Cat_Tip

hows it like relying on flavored air?

"Do you ever feel like shit doesn't matter? Like we're all rats runnin' in a wheel to power the crap we'll never see or get the chance to use? Like-"

Cyberpunk's Singular Peculiarity

Cyberpunk's Singular Peculiarity

Video Games · Niggross

1 years ago
Replied to KingNaz

it didnt say he needed points to get to the next stage, it’d probably be harder cuz he would be in a higher bracket and have to carry worse players

It had been a little over an hour now since the tournament's first phase had started. Astaroth was still exploring the tropical forest.

New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

Games · Galanar

1 years ago

the best birthday imo.

Yeah! 24th April, the day I was found outside the church/orphanage.

Marvel: The Reality Warper

Marvel: The Reality Warper

Anime & Comics · GodOfHeroes