
LV 3
2021-02-25 Joint Global
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Moments 85
1 years ago

Of all tge sports you choose baseball

A crack of the wood and homemade baseball colliding and I am off the home plate on my way to first base.

GOT/ASOIAF: Son of the Unworthy

GOT/ASOIAF: Son of the Unworthy

Book&Literature · Pretending_Author

1 years ago

Of course it's Syrio Forel

The braavosi man smiled and introduced himself, "Syrio Forel. You fought well. Just keep on practising your footwork and don't always tilt towards your left when you are slashing at your opponent. It makes you predictable."

Game of Thrones: Lord of the Seven Seas

Game of Thrones: Lord of the Seven Seas

Book&Literature · Axel_wheel

1 years ago


"I'm Damian Silvius Stark from on," Damian whispered to himself as he looked at the ceiling or more specifically, at the panel that he could see hovering in front of him.

Game of Thrones: Lord of the Seven Seas

Game of Thrones: Lord of the Seven Seas

Book&Literature · Axel_wheel

1 years ago
Replied to lordhokage

So rule of cool?I mean does he needs to be even more different or more cooler?He is already top of the class, ring maker at 11 years old, have anime silver hair, genius, best friend of Harry Potter, charismatic chad, friend of Slytherin girls, has immortality, stops aging at 22 years old. I mean what more different does he need?

'That's right before the events of the goblet of fire then , I can work with that.' he thought calmly. "Until then it's business as usual I guess." he mutters before yawning and getting out of bed to start his day.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

1 years ago
Replied to lordhokage

And honestly, why would you even want elf ears that's just handicap. Because people or ministry will consider you non-human and they could even put you under beast category, like warewolves.

'That's right before the events of the goblet of fire then , I can work with that.' he thought calmly. "Until then it's business as usual I guess." he mutters before yawning and getting out of bed to start his day.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

1 years ago
Replied to

Their divine like beauty also. There is reason Legolas is fan favourite 😂😂

'That's right before the events of the goblet of fire then , I can work with that.' he thought calmly. "Until then it's business as usual I guess." he mutters before yawning and getting out of bed to start his day.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

1 years ago

No worries mate. I quite like this story, it's believable and canon characters are well written. Inly complaint that i have is that you said that MC will have pointy ears, because lotr elves didn't havr pointy ears that's a Peter Jackson idea adding that to movies. But that's just me being LOTR nerd and i will not be dropping this story just because of that. Thank for you work and i hope you enjoy writing this because that is the most important thing.

All of this said I am not just venting my issues here at everyone , I truly do appreciate that others read my stories and enjoy them and I even enjoy when people ask reasonable questions like "Does his avian dominion apply to Thestrals or veela's?" things like that. It makes me happy to see people engaging with the story and trying to figure out what I am setting up for the future and what is actually just fluff. For everyone who isn't part of the groups this is targeted at I apologize that you were subjected to this post and ask for your understanding.

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

1 years ago
Replied to lordhokage

Elves in the books never had pointy ears. That's a movie thing

'That's right before the events of the goblet of fire then , I can work with that.' he thought calmly. "Until then it's business as usual I guess." he mutters before yawning and getting out of bed to start his day.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

1 years ago
Replied to loskro

Elves of the lord of the rings books never had pointy ears. That's a movie thing

'That's right before the events of the goblet of fire then , I can work with that.' he thought calmly. "Until then it's business as usual I guess." he mutters before yawning and getting out of bed to start his day.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

1 years ago
Replied to lRyuji

Hard agree. I hate those stories with all my heart