thibautrules1 - Profile


LV 3
2021-02-25 Joint United States

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Moments 44


I often find myself thinking the same when playing a new game, and eventually I need more inventory space and sell it… don’t be like me…

However, he promised himself that regardless of the stats the armor had, he would always carry it with him as a memento of the Beginner Village that had played an important role in his life.

Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

Fantasy · Elyon


Says the worm acting as a spear…

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk… this guy is still pretending huh? Talk about a wolf in sheep's clothing or what is it that they say? Umm… oh yeah, pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger." Lin Wu said upon witnessing the entire thing.

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Eastern · Grand_Void_Daoist


I thought he would put the dagger in his mouth as the spear tip

His head kept on becoming narrower until it started to look like a spear blade. And just the second that Lin Wu did this, the timer came to an end.

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Eastern · Grand_Void_Daoist


I thought it wouldn’t change and héd have to keep paying every time he met a road block that happened since he got it. That would be hilarious! Do you pay to get quick info or just find a way yourself using the old info as a guide?

For example, a piece of rock had broken off and fell into his path. The overlay thus changed and showed him a different route that was safe for him to take. Lin Wu was impressed by the adaptability and was now starting to like it.

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Eastern · Grand_Void_Daoist


He doesn’t even ask how much?

"That's fine. System, convert the vital energy into system energy and use it to calculate the route." Lin Wu ordered.

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Eastern · Grand_Void_Daoist


Didnt he enter the dark side / the shadows when he joined them?

"Young Master, are you sure, you want to see this side of the world? You just left it when you joined us, don't be in such a rush to return to it."

The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World

The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World

Urban · Shaele


So, he just looks sick? 🤣

Below the dark, long leather coat he had a dark brown shirt, sporting dark blue jeans and black boots. However, maybe the most astonishing change in his outlook was the change in his eye colors. What was simply dark brownish, was now beyond exotic. From the original color now both were dark as the starless night, instead of irises they were like two small black holes, ready to suck out the soul of all those that mistakenly gaze into its endless depths. Adding to the experience, a dark red, scarlet outline surrounded his left eye, whilst on his right, the sclera was a touch darker colored, from the usual and normally pearl white, to a creamy, yellowish tint.

The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World

The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World

Urban · Shaele


???? He took out a cigar? What was the whole point of the part about the nicotine gum? Yo, check yourself!

Taking another moment he took another taste of his cigar and puffed out a cloud of smoke. As he emptied his lungs and calmed his mind of the aftermath of such a heated battle, he pointed at the oversized, strong creature and sneered.

The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World

The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World

Urban · Shaele


So um… how does it not exist in other worlds?

It was life itself and no living being could exist without it coursing in their veins.

The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World

The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World

Urban · Shaele


Oh, i thought this would be the cause of the spike in aether that the lady saw multiple chapters back…

Still, despite its all-powerfulness, or maybe due to the carefully placed tendrils, none of the blinding creamy, white illumination managed to escape the constraints of Aziel's room, nobody was aware of the vast changes the lonesome resident was going over.

The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World

The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World

Urban · Shaele


There goes the comfy bed, such a shame…

The furniture has long since vanished, turned into particles, and sucked away by one of the countless tendrils latched onto the floor. The egg now fixed stably in the air, was pulsating, its core glowing with a bright neon blue light.

The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World

The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World

Urban · Shaele


Does author mean at the school? Or did I miss a part? I don’t remember him loosing control at a facility?

Still, something forced his consciousness to stay awake. Like back in the facility, he once again wasn't the one in control, but a mere passenger of his own body. He was thrown into the deepest, darkest pits of his own inner soul space.

The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World

The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World

Urban · Shaele


So he is just a part of his previous self? Maybe the rest of his being is the mystery guy in the hood (split personality guy with the camera and recording). Also maybe his other self is the planeswalker that came and taught the humans, all while searching for his missing part.

Then everything was shattered, destroyed, fused with the eternal oblivion with one single stroke of betrayal. Luckily, or perhaps due to the whims of fate, the smallest of embers managed to survive the gruesome ordeal and using its last remnants of power, escape with its host to the great unknown.

The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World

The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World

Urban · Shaele


If I was Jake I’d say stuff like: “ don’t kill them”, “don’t do permanent damage”, explain the family’s situation or something. Any thing useful really…

"You don't have to entertain them, let's just…" Before Jake could voice another of his numerous complaints, they were met by Chris and his followers blocking their path and circling them to ensure no resistance.

The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World

The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World

Urban · Shaele


He hasn’t tried reproducing yet…

Recently, since his emergence into this new, unknown changed world, he even tried cultivating, he secluded himself deep inside a mountain and spent years trying to harness it from deep inside.

The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World

The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World

Urban · Shaele

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