this makes me so nervous for her ! what an intense chapter
oh man for a moment I thought it was gonna be that easy
Jesus, the mind tricks on this... That man is evil!!!! please share more
I clawed at his approaching hand with feisty determination, yet he grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me out of the cupboard effortlessly.
Urban · worse_thanYou
holding my breath here as well, be mindful of your public please.
*confinement trigger*
Glad you're back!!! So when can we expect more?
locking poor Abby in so he can 'cool down' is chilling AF, I feel sorry for her
that was easy enough
Good! Lure him in, tie him to that chair again, gtfo, pretend it never happened, the cycle is complete!
Ashes Of Me - The Night of The Rape
Urban · worse_thanYou