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Honestly, my grammar sucks, and idek if I'm gonna do well when I write, but everyone gots to start somewhere right. So I'm gonna try to write something I think is interesting but not too complicated.

2021-01-29 Joint United States
Œuvres originales
Badges 31

Moments 59
11 hours ago

Thanks author,

21 hours ago
Replied to Saint_Grey

Will do

5 days ago

Honestly the story had potential, the author just had to keep uploading but sadly stopped.

5 days ago

Someone tell me how long until Vinc isn’t underneath someones thumb in this city, or at least gets out from under the syndicate ?

6 days ago

Im all good with this horrible stuff happening but if i have to wait a stupid amount of chapters for any of the MC’s issues to be fixed idc how good this book is, it will be trash. Either nina gets her ears fixed, dads no longer an alcoholic , lauren get saved or MC gets revenge on the ones who killed mom. If he has to spend 500+ chapter to fix a single issue then the chapters better be really cheap. Not hating on the novel or author, but a lot of authors drag that stuff on for way to long to the point that the family/ friends are a burden

7 days ago

Honestly this a a very nice and easy read. Sure there are some dark themes but as of chapter 52, it really easy to just sit and read. The arcs aren’t more than a couple of chapters. Almost zero info dumps which a lot of novels suffer from. The powerups are also fast enough to be useful and fun to read about, but also not so common that you start to get upset because the story’s moving too fast

9 days ago

Only 8 chapters in( as many as available rn) and im liking it so far. I really like that the mc is smart, and he is still smart even in the apocalypse. A lot of authors have a hard time keeping their smart characters smart. If author keeps it consistent i think this novel will do well

16 days ago

Hey author, i just want to give you a few tips for this book. 1, this has a lot of potential , just from the synopsis you can tell its got a lot of potential and got a little bit of everything readers want, but a lot of people will like to binge read, so dont get discouraged if it starts slow. I personally love to wait unil about 100+ chapters are build up. 2, dont forget about investing in the kingdom. Stoping bad guy, villians, and clamaties are needed, but finding cures for diseases , better elixers/potions( if they exist) monopolizing industries, saving or recruiting soldiers or those with talent. And cultivation techniques ( or things similar if they exist). I know its really easy to get deep into these stories and focus on 1 things wich is fine, but dont forget about the opportunity the book gives him. I really love your other books, and really like the idea of this one and want it to succeed . Again this is just my advice, take ir leave ill still read as long as ifs not dropped

Ce livre a été supprimé.
25 days ago

Kinda reminds me of body refining in a way, time needed to heal them damage the body then heal again, except he came up with s chest the fits the story, that’s honestly a good way to introduce his unstanding of runes

1 months ago
Replied to EndGame0522

From what i understand , some countries dont use commas and use periods instead

The first one was to spend 200.000 faith points to generate the energy for the upgrade. The second requirement though was more of a test by the lower dimension if you were worthy.

God’s Conquest: The Lord of Angels

God’s Conquest: The Lord of Angels

Fantasy · Onion_lover

  • Reincarnated, But why? original

    Reincarnated, But why?


    This is my first book. I got a lot of ideas for books but never took the time to sit down and write/type one out. This is gonna be my first so we can see how well it goes. The story as of now will follow the protagonist Lit Tucker, who will be reincarnated into the world of Mercia. Mercia is a beautiful world full of elves, humans, demons, monsters, and magicians. Join Lit while he goes on an adventure to find excitement and love, and tries to figure out why exactly he was reincarnated.

    19 Chs 13 Collections