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2021-01-24 Joint Global

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Aight lads imma try and gurss what Jordinios next fic is gonna be on (if he sees this and chooses not to do that fic just to spite then i'll make the death of William Wallace look like a tea party) Prerequistes: 1. The worlds gotta have bad bit**** in it, yugioh gx is an exception as Alexis is the baddiest of them all, this means HxH and FMA alchemist are unlikely great for writing but unless genderbending very few girls (like 2 in the troupe and that one blonde in fma) it is possible that jord will choose not to do a harem fic... But based on precedent... nah. 2) be character driven as opposed to story driven this is just a general rule for fic writers but story based anime and games are much harder to write for as so much more work needs to be done. So probably not Kill la Kill, Solo levellong or Kumo desu (sorry spider shippers S M H) 3) easy for Jord to not stfu about Scottish gigachads (there arent any worlds here cuz jord will do it anyway) Aight so what possibilities we got: Harry Potter, easy scottish banter and england bashing (represent Mcgongall) but the characters are 11 to start with so that may require some retconning. Arifrueta, easy to hate original protag but boring as hell to read and therefore write about Shield hero, ^ Kaguya, tbh unless sone netori action (and shirogane aint deserve that) kinda sparse in terms of girls but hella popular so ez money Mha, i think its pretty likely, lots of baddies easy af to slide an oc with a 'Scottish dragon quirk' (Jordinio thats the 4th time this weak an oc has had a dragon in him) and only one likeable competition Rwby, Bleach and one piece are also likely, but ive seen none of them so no comment. Aight im bored time for my prediction drumroll please.......... Tensei Slime! Yes thats right, lots of baddies and rimuru can just be made asexual or female, easy shoe ins for Jords dragon fetish and pretty much no limits on broken powers and most importantly Jordinio can fully realise his wet dreams of a scottish state conquering the world. Thank you for attending my ted talk


This fic is poorly structured and poorly executed. 44 chapters, so far, 44,and yet we seem no closer to the transport than 40 chapters ago. Dozens of chapters of USELESS information chapter upon chapter of exposition that will not matter, there is so much irrelevant information it boggles my mind, every other OL ff has MAX 5 chapters of pre transport, establish NPC, world ranking, class, race and other small tidbits. Let's give an example, the 'scary door' its introduced we see the other guildmates reactions aaaaaand thats it. I can see no, no conceivable time (outside of wasting more time outside of the isekai) this would ever be needed, there are NPCs built for psychological torture and Ainzs breaks minds just by being there. And if, even if such a tool were ever needed why not introduce when, or slightly before, being needed. Yes, plot convenience is bad and a folly of writing but only if relied upon. Plot contrivence on the other hand serves no purpose unless you plan yo build a Tolkien-esque world and considering this is a pre-built world that excuse falls through. You can apply this logic to the constabt talk of PKing, the '''''banter'''''' of the guildmates and the constant mentioning of farming and etc. I hate to criticise free, amateur media but this OL fic has been updating for months now and is behind another released just a few weeks ago and yet the latter managed tp get all necessary information across in one chapter and drip feefs it through the others. I am aware that the wruter has full creative sovreignty and i am aware that WN is weird when it comes to word counts and recconendations nor do i want to come across as a smarmy know it all but 44 CHAPTERS???!!?!


BLASPHEMY, I could barely accept them looking at each other before marriage, but holding hands???? Author I am disappointed in the level of debauchery present in this novel, S M H

Currently, Ino was walking by Naruto's right side and was h*lding his h*and, while Haku was doing the same on his left side. None of them said anything as a peaceful atmosphere surrounded the trio.

Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]

Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]

Anime & Comics · Maerry


Friendly reminder not to invest bitcoin unless you have a good emergency fund, extreme luck or want to have multiple panic attacks all within a few hours of each other :)

I invested most of the money in a form of cryptocurrency known as Bitcoin. I had no idea what it was originally, but my gut told me to invest my newfound money in it when I was browsing the internet. If there was anything in this world I trusted, it was my gut feeling, or instincts, because they didn't betray me yet.

Faded Memories and Feelings. (Pokemon)

Faded Memories and Feelings. (Pokemon)

Anime & Comics · Hyberions


82 as a five year old, sheeeeeez, isn't the average for an adult like 30 or something, maybe he did get cheats.

After getting up to 30 push ups without even feeling fatigue. Izuku pushes on, reaching up to the 70s he finally feels the tension. Getting to 82, he finally hits his limit. Immediately dropping on his stomach and rolling onto his back and pressing on with sit-ups without any rest. He gets past the 100s till he feels the burn and then finally stopping.

MHA - I am Izuku Midoriya

MHA - I am Izuku Midoriya

Anime & Comics · DuckLifeIRL

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