sigh...this is why you're only a blue dragon and not a peerless heavenly blue lighting dragon you lack discipline in your cultivation!
Given the unclear situation and his partial blindness, despite having [Radiant Wings], it was better not to fly for now.
Video Games · rivyura
spoken like a true bandit
"As long as your future strength is unmatched, you can take back these manuals and techniques with just a single word. When you become invincible, not only can you reclaim these things, but you can also exact your vengeance without any opposition."
Anime & Comics · Takeiteasy
T/N: Here, sorry it's a bit late, also thank daoist_cat for the extra chapter in addition to the four
Anime & Comics · Hipposarecool
you may all shower this young master in praise now!
T/N: Here, sorry it's a bit late, also thank daoist_cat for the extra chapter in addition to the four
Anime & Comics · Hipposarecool
yeah but remember it's god tier magic so it won't have a 100 lvls to become super strong like hunter magic
Given the unclear situation and his partial blindness, despite having [Radiant Wings], it was better not to fly for now.
Video Games · rivyura
lvl 5 is max lvl i think so not really
Given the unclear situation and his partial blindness, despite having [Radiant Wings], it was better not to fly for now.
Video Games · rivyura
I believe you mean a royal with cheese
"One Quarter Pounder with a side of French Fries please."
Book&Literature · Hooin_Kyoma
Robert narrowed her eyes but remained composed. The battle wasn't over yet, and she wasn't ready to concede the stage to Chris so easily.
Pokémon: Starting With An Overpowered Gameboy Advance
Anime & Comics · Tempest_29