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2020-12-28 Joint Global
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19 hours ago

please Author make it that the MC doesn't summen people from other world because if will boring and lame like gacha fanfic with summen there the the same patterns most not all but I like when they only give skills or power or maybe template that only depends on Author that write the fanfic but other than that nothing more or less just ok the MC wants op weapons given him a skill that allows or help him to Make op weapons

1 months ago

To be honest Author in beginning the Fanfic was good but know if ruined because you put to much useless comedy because like the MC saying Author 'san for some stupid shit this not marvel or Deadpool it will be ok if it was normal with no 4th wall talking you did it and know is a stupid COTE fanfic with s*x and lame comedy the only reason we read because this is because you 're lucky there not many COTE fanfic Author that upload frequently or write new one's or good one's if wasn't for that no one would have read this fanfic but i think in near future the will good one's coming in the future not you Author i only read the fanfic because there not many Authors that write COTE fanfic that I like your's is just a cheap meal from school cafeteria not good but not bad but new Author's that how make better one and will learn from your mistakes i could write one but im learning how to Programm alone no time for writing fanfic or novels

1 months ago
Replied to nicewolf007

Author the fanfic is good but you have to change the MC name to a Korean one or make him a Japanese hunter ok go to Google and search WW2 what Japan thit to Korea and in Solo leveling this war still happened in there world. I never understood why never use comen sense when the writing fanfic at all it will be fine if the MC was in Korea for vacation but living there for ever is stupid because he his Japanese like most Asians hate Japan because what happened in world war 2 if this war never happened it will be ok for to stay in Korea as long he likes i would not have a problem like you make the MC look like the only black guy in room with 100 or more white people or vise versa

1 months ago
Replied to CoffeeLover_13

it will make sense if he never fights with magic beats or monsters and demons and cant't not see the future like you make the MC look like hi never has such experience in life and he his in guild where he takes quest to fight this things and with MC being a new S-class without experience what the point of him being a S-class mage/wizard if he no experience like what the point on doing all this quests and taking the S-class exam if he has no experience and having the ability to see the future and you make MC when his fighting with monsters you make like his fighting humans like what the point just go for the kill and he was fighting in a destroyed village by the demon why should he hold back his attacks there to many plot holes in this fight alone like he has experienced with the ability to see the future but he lost to two tails in the end in make sense if he Eyes of analysis when he his fighting because he see the moves coming at him but you gave him the Eye to see the future and for some reason he never saw the attack coming at him only after the second one came at him he saw the future. Author that's why i hate fights with plot holes this would have make sense if head the Eyes of analysis because his brain can't take to much information and he lost his his first with the tiger demon because of information overload and you gave him the ability to see the future for 2 or 4 minutes or more if puts the magic for it's and he last long because of S-class magic reserve and not see to much in the future like 30 min. or longer in a fight just rewrite this chapter and a better for the MC losing for God sakes not this fight with to many plot holes or give him the Eyes of analysis because make more sense if he loses a fight in the the future

1 months ago

+1 better to have a loyal one

2) Zhou Min (A minor character in the entire novel but really a nice and loyal girl)

Overpowered Mage: A Versatile Mage Fanfic

Overpowered Mage: A Versatile Mage Fanfic

Anime & Comics · Damon_Starfall

1 months ago
Replied to Osas_Destiny_4852

1 Generation make his soul his core for his link to the Adolla burst and for his powers and future transformation to his infernal form so DNA copy/clone, anti-copy and stealing and make so when he trains he will unlock more ability from the other generation Pyrokinetic more info. for Fire force in Fandom wiki.

1 months ago
Replied to Red_Jester_8849

Author the how strong that's the problem because One Piece level or One Punch Man level it's impossible out mha law because they have different law how there universe works and the mutation factor from evolution but is to protect Quirks user to limit or protect them from there Quirks is good idea to give Deku one but hi is Quirkless there no reason for him to have one at all because he has no Quirk factor in the first why would evolution give him something if has nothing in the first place heck like 80% of the population of the MHA universe are Quirk people and 20% are Non-Quirk people and the 20% of this population is decreasing untill only 100% of the population has Quirks and this because some random baby is in China is born with the ability to glow and hi is the first to one to get a Quirk in the MHA world like evolution it self favors Quirks user over Non-Quirks user like there is no change for Deku to get that mutation if Evolution itself wasn't you death or extinct in the first place and how strong because Olympic level and Batman level (with no plot) is out like even in the original work after he finished his training with All Might he was the last in the Quirk examination or evaluation this even after his Quirk in the Ball throw exma he still got the last place and when don't now how strong you need to be handel one for all in the first place like you like MC training him would work because he doesn't have one for all knowing it and having it are to different things if like Naruto fanfic when is reborn in Naruto and is a Naruto fanboy has no chakra and after he reborn he has chakra an know he now in his new life and because he born there and some of his knowledge work and some may not work or not I the beginning because he the chakra knowledge and theory's and because all Shinobi have the chakra it will work because everyone has the same power system but not the same or that same experience of the that 's why there geniuses in the naruto world use of chakra and this MC has non of that experience so he to find his own way to use chakra and this because chakra is more versatile now MHA world has the same problem but much worse or more worse but everyone expect 20% of the population has Quirks some are the same some are not the same like so many super strength types bot works different for each other the foundations but different ways of the development why did you think All Might guided Deku a little and the rest to find his way off use it so that he has his own experience on using one for all like I get you what him to be but you would hinder him for gaining that experience how to be strong on own way and like most of his own technique came from his pain, suffering ,loss ,gains, progress and experience if you take that for him just to make him stronger early I'd wouldn't be the same because there no more characters development for Deku it would be the same that the same mistake most Authors make in MHA fanfic ignore characters development for strength like that why I said that no six styles for MC not training Deku just protect him when he can because need the this experience to get strong like he needs to know his powerless and gain the hope for All Might is number on Idol and his mentor or father figure not from his brother he only needs his protection to know that some is the to protect him and his mother to not committing suicide and emotional support and Bakugo for some he lost to gain his his friendship and his support in the future the training for Deku give this to his future like All Might,Grandterino and so on... and with the MC having Adolla burst make sense because some Quirk have some special properties that to make sense at all in MHA like Stain ,Momo,Toga and some more and will more sense if the MC had all the power because he the only one that's has it make that his a all generation Pyrokinetic expect (the 4 Generation but he will unlock it in the future) and( for 1 Generation make his soul his core for

1 months ago

Author please don't give deku six styles because he his a normal human this is not one piece world you now Endervore has a fire Quirk and doesn't have a super strength Quirk and he kipp up with a high nomu with his strength alone so there is a difference between Quirk and Non-Quirk people and because he doesn't train at all it's like trying to make Muslim believe in Christianity and Deku will start training because All might said so like why did you think Deku didn't train in the original MHA universe like he wanted to be a Hero so bad but he didn't put the work for it only after All might want him to be his successor so the MC trying to train him it this time is pointless so like in your fanfic is the same he doesn't put the work on his dream so no six styles for Deku just make the MC protect him not train him because Deku is to naive for his own good so training him is pointless.

1 months ago
Replied to katakuma

Still waiting