
male LV 15
2020-12-20 Joint Global
Badges 18

Moments 149
5 days ago

Absolute banger, the whole fighting style is awesome, his character is a treat, keep it up my man I'm dropping stones everyday

6 days ago

I honestly don't mind him sharing his secret with Saphira only, not anyone else ever. Shapira will be with him for life, there's bound to be inconsistencies in either his speech or demeanor, his knowlegde (like I doubt he'd let the magicians twins at the Varden stay alive since they work for Galbastardorix). I'd give him freedom of thought and mind.

7 days ago

Awesome ! To be honest thunder breathing gotta be one of the strongest breathing style. First off speed is king, the faster you go the stronger you hit, that's basic physics, and even defense wise, the faster you are the easier it is the flee/pursue/kill/dodge. I honestly think it's top 3, maybe behind Sun breathing only in regard to Demon Hunting since it's using their most proeminent weakness

11 days ago

Author-san, long chapters are a bonus, don't try to split chapters or restrain yourself from writing a longer one if you feel like it. I personnaly don't like split chapters, I feel like I've been given half a sweet. Though most authors do have sometimes chapters that are at times 3-4 times longer if it requires. Be yourself, your story is solid 4.8/5 as of now ! The best Eragon ff start I have ever red

12 days ago

Say, could you give us an estimate of when is the domm supposed to happen compared to the current time ? It's difficult to project if we don't have a timeline, is it a decade or two, a year or a century, it'd help visualize what he does

13 days ago

You mean he sense the Hiraishin checkpoints left by Tobirama ? If that's the case that's wild, that means they are in common no matter who uses the technique ! It's not that useful though since you need to be in range to teleport there and there is like 3 people who were ever able to use it (Tobirama/Minato and now MC)

16 days ago

Boris be playing Kaidou bowling, sending him flying from BigMom to Shiki haha

16 days ago
Replied to AgentBoin

If I had to make a guess, I'd go for a Nine-Tails split in secret, exactly like Minato did before sealing half of it inside Naruto. To develop this technique, he had to take insipiration from somewhere and almost every seal comes from the Uzumaki, so for Mito to be working and perfecting it would make sense. She already asked Tatsuma his opinion of the tailed beast (not the jinchuriki), already experimented with giving him Tailed-beast chakra in increasing amounts. At this point it would make perfect sense for her to create a seal similar to Tsunade Yin-Seal but with Kurama Yang chakra, while Kushina gets the Yin Half. Maybe even in secret since at this point it is increasingly obvious that Hiruzen/Danzo and the shitty elders group are imbeciles, and she trust Tatsuma way more than them especially since he resemble Tobirama that much

16 days ago

How in the world is Dumbledore even allowed as a neutral party when he was accused of negligence twice during the hearing, both times to the detriment of Talion, how come no one batted an eye ?

26 days ago

Here again, twice the same thing with either Miriam or the Queen corps