ShadowMietitore - Profile



male LV 15
2020-11-25 Joint United States

Badges 28

Moments 1044


"favorite" ok I see, I see.

"Mhmmm… My favorite student probably needs help, huh…" Heinz Becker muttered as he glanced at the 'Perfect' Arcanists that he made… There were a dozen of them and they all possessed the special spells of the Malefic Branch!

Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Fantasy · xlntz

Replied to ClasslessAscension


No. Draw these chainsaw like fangs. I need to see what that looks like

These two figures in front of them were human in appearance, fangs like a chainsaw and long ears like elves. The aura around them was dark but had a strange attribute as if they were pulling the energy in the environment towards them.

Progenitor Vampire: I Have Many Skills!

Progenitor Vampire: I Have Many Skills!

Fantasy · Deltta

Replied to Cam_N

well, technically, she would be his stepmother

After a brief pause, Rhygar's expression softened as he gazed upon her figure, "In the meantime, you should rest, mother. You have not been sleeping ever since that day. Do you perhaps... want me to give you a relaxing—"

The Damned Demon

The Damned Demon

Fantasy · Resurgent


I knew he would get wings....(eventually)

Simultaneously, he felt the emergence of bony wings sprouting from his back, granting him the gift of flight. He soared upwards, a figure reborn from the ashes of his trial, a master of the cursed flames.

The Damned Demon

The Damned Demon

Fantasy · Resurgent


so he has a canine fetish right?

"No…no…stop…" Hearing his woman's unadulterated moans and the loud, wet sounds that were made inside her pussy by that alien dog's dick was like a nightmare to Edmund while continuing to plead in a weak, despairing voice.

The Damned Demon

The Damned Demon

Fantasy · Resurgent


...all credibility went out the window

His smile never wavered as he turned to his team, "We could benefit greatly from this," he murmured to Rachel, "The Demon Rippers may be a bit unorthodox, yes, but also powerful."

The Damned Demon

The Damned Demon

Fantasy · Resurgent

Replied to sage10001

yes that resulted in one dying and having his body stolen, the second one his Uncle being exiled and I'm sure the duchess is not too keenly on his side

Afterwards, he hurriedly walked towards the exit, excitedly declaring, "I am going to arrange a public speech now. I want to reveal Gregory's true face to the citizens of the Empire and call on all noble lords to maintain the glory of our Lord, by jointly cleaning up the current corrupt Church!"

The  First  Vampire

The First Vampire

Fantasy · Carrot On Weighing Scale


I really wouldn't call him a coward for not doing something that would result in his death from what I can tell although you had your heart set in the right place you had no real power to change anything which resulted in your death

'If only he wasn't such a blind coward, I might've felt some sympathy for him.' Unlike the others blinded by their ignorance, Michael had deep roots in the empire's politics. 'Even though you knew about the corruption, you never helped me fight against it.'

Absolute Depravity: Reincarnated with a lustful System

Absolute Depravity: Reincarnated with a lustful System

Fantasy · Writersblockills


I feel like he got Dumber as the story went on

Afterwards, he hurriedly walked towards the exit, excitedly declaring, "I am going to arrange a public speech now. I want to reveal Gregory's true face to the citizens of the Empire and call on all noble lords to maintain the glory of our Lord, by jointly cleaning up the current corrupt Church!"

The  First  Vampire

The First Vampire

Fantasy · Carrot On Weighing Scale


that is suicidal

Rather than finding Emperor Reinhardt, it would be better to go directly to Prince Lexie, to discuss the terms.

The  First  Vampire

The First Vampire

Fantasy · Carrot On Weighing Scale


you're a vampire. Do not try to take The High Ground, plus you are using Dracula's name, so every negative thing that Vlad the Impaler did, you also fall under that wing

Despite his apology, the coldness in Colin's eyes did not fade. Cusius' offhand attitude made it clear that he was the same type of demon as Mr. Ji, without any moral boundaries.

The  First  Vampire

The First Vampire

Fantasy · Carrot On Weighing Scale



This woman was as seductive as a poppy flower, full of deadly allure. If one were not careful, she may pull them into an endless abyss.

The  First  Vampire

The First Vampire

Fantasy · Carrot On Weighing Scale


Vera would be a Duchess, not Duke

However, given the chance to be a duke's husband, why would Colin settle for only being a duke's son-in-law?

The  First  Vampire

The First Vampire

Fantasy · Carrot On Weighing Scale


that makes a poor King

"What about adding the West, or even the South Border?" Queen Midela's gaze was cold, "Tell me, if the four Dukes joined forces, how should St. Lorenzo's family respond?"

The  First  Vampire

The First Vampire

Fantasy · Carrot On Weighing Scale


it should be head, not skull

Picking up the bloody skull, the attendant hurried off the city wall towards the palace.

The  First  Vampire

The First Vampire

Fantasy · Carrot On Weighing Scale


I hope you go into debt

In fact, those nobles who would rather die than borrow, are the real fools in Colin's eyes.

The  First  Vampire

The First Vampire

Fantasy · Carrot On Weighing Scale

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