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2020-11-20 Joint Global

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Replied to dan12036

give it up the translator wont correct his chapters

"Whether Trisk represents an individual or the entire human race, using us as experiments and causing their deaths is unacceptable. I'll make them understand the consequences."

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Movies · Midnight_Wonder

Replied to DaoistTalion187

cause he is?

Eric shot a gaze up at Alex and declared, "Alex, we're all aware there's a slew of mutants lurking in the human crowd. They ain't keen on wrecking the peaceful setup. But with Trisk's weaponry, those hidden mutants, one after another, they're gettin' nabbed! We gotta put a stop to it!"

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Movies · Midnight_Wonder

Replied to Nostradamus96

welcome to chinese fanfiction and translations 🤣🤣🤣

"If you don't watch, what else can we do? Support? Well, whom do you support?" Alex spread his hands, nonchalant. He opted for neutrality, steering clear of alliances. Let them sort out their mess. If either side sought his aid, he'd lend a hand – that's the extent of it.

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Movies · Midnight_Wonder

Replied to Illusory_Eternal

its jubilee just a translation error

"Jessica, your ability is more than that. Create more and stronger energy balls. Practice more."

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Movies · Midnight_Wonder

Replied to XLR8A

unless he is erased entirely he is now impossible to kill

"The brothers' immortality ability is still worth the trouble," Alex muttered as he settled into a chair, preparing for the intricate process ahead.

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Movies · Midnight_Wonder

Replied to LastGod

welcome to chinese translations 🤣🤣🤣

Hank, wearing a knowing smile, rose to his feet. "Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to make a grand introduction. I hold a Ph.D. in electromechanical engineering and automatic control, having graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. As luck would have it, I've been working on a research project related to the instrument Charles requires."

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Movies · Midnight_Wonder

Replied to _GoldenKing_

but Emma is older than Charles and Eric...

Two minutes before class started, a blonde girl rushed into the room. Spotting the only available seat next to Alex, she hurriedly took it.

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Movies · Midnight_Wonder

Replied to Mew_you

just get both wolverine his brother for good measure and deadpool

Seventy years into the future, Captain America would be thawed out, rejoining the Avengers. However, Alex faced the challenge of explaining this extraordinary event to those in the present.

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Movies · Midnight_Wonder

Replied to DaoistQUioB1

wonder she didnt smite him yet for disrupting the sacred timeline

Since Howard was also heading to the European battlefield, Alex decided to accompany him. Howard wasn't overly concerned about Alex's safety, believing that as long as Alex didn't harm himself, no one in the world could pose a threat to him.

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Movies · Midnight_Wonder

Replied to PizzaStopsTime

those are easy to reproduce with howard since he build the machine

"I will give you the syrum but you need to take it out of here with your own skill. If the security check up catches you then I am not responsible." Abraham warned.

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Movies · Midnight_Wonder

Replied to Illusory_Eternal

a growing body needs more than pure energy to function all these proteins and vitamins you know?

His stomach's protests grew louder, making it difficult for Alex to fall asleep. Sitting up and putting on his bathrobe, Alex checked the time. It was around nine o'clock in the evening. At this hour, people in the hotel were probably still awake.

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Movies · Midnight_Wonder

Replied to Wahab_adebanjo

scarlet witch is not a gene based power the chaos magic chose her as a hosr like the phoenix force jean who strictly speaking isnt a mutant either just a host

"Don't be afraid! We will survive! We must survive!" Alex reached out, gently patting Eric on the shoulder. Then, he discreetly plucked a strand of hair from Eric's head, placing it into the system's resource library.

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Movies · Midnight_Wonder

Replied to Alex_Foster_2624

shot to awaken erics dormant powers

Then, he lowered his head, clutching his knees, and confessed, "I...yes, I'm scared. They've killed so many people. So many! They separated me from my mother, and I have no idea where she's being held or if they'll harm her. I'm terrified."

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Marvel: The Gene Collector

Movies · Midnight_Wonder

Replied to Ray_Zoldyck

i said that would have been what sirzechs would have done not what i would do you keyboard warrior stop that stupid passive aggressive behavior and learn reading then try again

"Worse comes to worst. I will disable Riser's Phenex regeneration and I have plenty of ways of fighting a regenerator." I said laying out my hands with one hand filled with an ominous ball of Power of Destruction, and on the other hand was a ball of Holy Light I got from the Fallens I scanned.

Limits of the Flesh in DXD

Limits of the Flesh in DXD

Anime & Comics · Azazyel

Replied to Joachim_Aarhus

at least he is the only user in the entire series so either his creation or his clans if he had one

With two of the Kirigakure ninjas defeated, only one remained. But this ninja was a skilled water user, and he launched Water Style: Water Release: Great Shark Missile Jutsu, sending a massive, powerful shark-shaped stream of water towards Sakumo. The force of the attack was too much, and Sakumo was knocked off his feet, landing hard on his left shoulder.

Uzumaki Fire God

Uzumaki Fire God

Anime & Comics · Hkj


double negative so you call the demon a weakling?

"Show me your strength. Show me true power that cannot be unmatched."



Fantasy · Shuri_Suki

Replied to Douglas_Pilkington

author doesnt want to adhere to his own rules for plot 🤣🤣🤣

"I don't think we can win this fight but I need your help. Throw away your care for the person whom you deemed as a friend and see for yourself that the one in front is no longer him. If you don't plan on helping then just stay out of the way."



Fantasy · Shuri_Suki

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