Caleb_Jones_3611 - Profile


LV 15
2020-11-08 Joint Global

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Moments 42

Replied to Nico_Rupprath

it would depend on the ordering of what gets drained of mana. if the leylines get drained first, then your comment would be correct. else if the people around the vortex get drained first, then the size of the leylines doesn't really matter if the people have enough mana.

"There wasn't enough data for that. We could try on a slightly smaller vortex next. The available information suggests that one on weaker Ley Lines with fewer occupants is more likely to be easy to stabilize. Of course, it could be exponentially worse, but that does seem unlikely, thanks to what we know of the size scaling of the vortexes." The Youkai shrugs, not sure what to tell the Mayor that will make him happy.

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku

Replied to Freakazoid1030

i forget how the peaches work. do they increase mana Regen speed or mana intake speed. for the latter, it wouldn't help, but the former or if it gave a burst of mana all at once it may help.

He is also going to have to inform the mayor of this development and explain the process to the local Mages. The chances they can replicate what Cain did are extremely low, but they might have ideas that he hasn't come up with that might prevent the backlash. If he is really lucky, they might even know something about how the power was gathered to cast the spell in the first place.

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku

Replied to Eternal_Shu

where is that from?

'He's quite a strange man, but at the same time, he doesn't seem to be bad. In fact, why do I feel like I've seen him somewhere? Well, it's probably my imagination' The girl thought.

Apocalypse Cheater

Apocalypse Cheater

Action · ADboy245

Replied to Lit_Leveler

great questions. does Null's ability stop all magic use including Null's own? so if Cain summons Null as a supporter, would Null still exist, or would supporter Null cease to exist?

Laura forgot that she was still holding someone for a good reason, opening her mouth in a cheer that let her captive fall Thousands of meters to the ground. For a moment it looked like he was going to land on his feet, but at the last second Vala planted a spear butt down in the sand under him, skewering the falling transfer in a final gory blow to end the battle. 

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku


isn't it True Sight? i thought that the capitalization was important

*I guess that explains why I was able to sort of see her… but…* "If that's true then… how come I couldn't see you with my true sight?" asked Kat.

D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Fantasy · Vongrak

Replied to Freakazoid1030

it works, but you only get one

Snoo finishes his class upgrade, and the maid finally releases Cyrene after much poking back and forth with the Oracle, who didn't realize they respond best to verbal commands. 

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku


wasn't it Mary?

"I told you. Maria, the bartender, recommended us. She must have put in the good word as thanks for carrying all her deliveries downstairs." Snoo says, feeling vindicated. 

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku

Replied to Huey_Dyess

I just went back to chapters 226 and 227. Unless I keep missing it, it never mentions Vala flying, just that she kept getting questions that were more insults and so beat up the person that was asking the questions.

Surprisingly, not only Evangeline but also Vala chooses to transform back to her natural winged form and fly over on her own. She's always been able to, sort of. But at Epic, her flying speed and maneuverability weren't great, so she preferred to walk. She's still not as agile as the Seraphim, but she's much faster than Cain had expected. 

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku

Replied to Huey_Dyess

I dont think it did. it talked about laura flying, but for Vala, it talked about an obstacle course with the biased person asking questions.

Surprisingly, not only Evangeline but also Vala chooses to transform back to her natural winged form and fly over on her own. She's always been able to, sort of. But at Epic, her flying speed and maneuverability weren't great, so she preferred to walk. She's still not as agile as the Seraphim, but she's much faster than Cain had expected. 

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku


matter -> magic?

"There are a number of other miscellaneous items that may come in handy but it would take forever to go over them all. Once you've put the rings on you can spend some time familiarising yourself with their contents if you so wish. The only other thing I think is worth mentioning specifically are the heavy-duty shackles. They will complete remove the targets ability to use matter… but they do NOT restrict demonic energy use so no, they won't help against the drake you're being sent out to kill.

D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Fantasy · Vongrak

Replied to Kagun_Srader

while that may be true, I would think that the extra clearing speed provided by the summons would outweigh the extra exp per person, as well as making it easier to survive. and that would be even if the bonus stacks, the author had said that they were saying that some identical effects didn't stack to remove mental stress.

That makes sense to the locals; when you live here, you don't often go through the city gates or the customs dock. Even if you head out to do a dungeon, your resident pass is good for six months before it needs renewal. Many stories have been going around about how fast Cain and his Guild have grown in power and influence, leading others to think they've got an experience-based Guild Skill. 

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku


cat ears. I missed that, the first couple times I read this. I kept seeing them as rabbit ears from ongoing descriptions.

That's an understatement. Little Nefertiti has icy white hair with black tips, contrasted against ash-gray skin to look almost Dark Elven. Only she has white furred cat-like ears on her head, flicking happily against curled white ram horns. Her eyes have neither pupil nor iris that Cain can discern, being nothing but glowing golden orbs, and he can see that her feet have hooves. Her fingers keep cutting their way free of the cloth wrapping with tiny sharp claws the same gold as her eyes, and she's staring at Cain with an intense look, almost a grimace of concentration. 

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku


my question is if it scales off of cain's CON or the victims

[Pestilent Scimitar] Increases all Pestilence Damage by 100 percent and causes [Pestilence] on hit. Deals 250 percent of CON as damage. 

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku


it was noted that the demon thyme doll didn't have any mana in it when he said she could keep it

[I think it would be rude to turn her down. Marigold clearly thought about this a lot, and she got her team on board. Then again… I'm not entirely certain how safe it would be to bring a treasure of any kind back to earth. We might be fine as living beings… but what would happen to inanimate objects? That's my only concern.]

D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Fantasy · Vongrak

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