You think the gods have good Dental Insurance?
"Shadow travel", Hades smiled, his perfect white teeth glistening, "Now go, your friends must be worried sick"
Sách&Văn học · Googlelos
My problem is with AI not which one
The boat glided smoothly across the water, the chilly air filled with excited chatter. Hermione, naturally, began quizzing us on Hogwarts trivia, while I silently plotted my snack-selling empire.
Sách&Văn học · Jayology
What kind of sick fuck tells someone to ask ChatGPT?
The boat glided smoothly across the water, the chilly air filled with excited chatter. Hermione, naturally, began quizzing us on Hogwarts trivia, while I silently plotted my snack-selling empire.
Sách&Văn học · Jayology
That's making shit from nothing yes, you're creating matter
The boat glided smoothly across the water, the chilly air filled with excited chatter. Hermione, naturally, began quizzing us on Hogwarts trivia, while I silently plotted my snack-selling empire.
Sách&Văn học · Jayology
Huh? "‘Yeah, well, food’s one of the five exceptions to Gamp’s Law of Elemental Transfiguration,’ said Ron, to general astonishment." This is a direct quote from the Deathly Hallows. Is this a plot hole?
The boat glided smoothly across the water, the chilly air filled with excited chatter. Hermione, naturally, began quizzing us on Hogwarts trivia, while I silently plotted my snack-selling empire.
Sách&Văn học · Jayology
I refuse your refusal
Why do I know how a hospital smelled that way? (Because you've obviously been in one at one point or another)
Sách&Văn học · Jayology
I refuse your refusal
Why do I know how a hospital smelled that way? (Because you've obviously been in one at one point or another)
Sách&Văn học · Jayology
Truly, the worst of times
"I'll also need a set of dress robes with the same functions. Additionally, I'd like black jeans, white polo shirts, socks, a vest, white T-shirts, khaki shorts, and a green short-sleeve button-up shirt to wear over it. All self-sizing, flexible, and made of breathable fabric."
Sách&Văn học · Jayology
All this switching between Bold and unbold text is giving me a headache.
As we left, Professor Flitwick stopped Hermione and me.
Sách&Văn học · Jayology
I feel like this should be higher considering she was fighting for what, 10 years?
Battle instincts: C(Your mind is always in battle mode, effectively causing ADHD)
Percy Jackson: the Winter Gamer
Sách&Văn học · Googlelos